Search results

  1. Kito

    [USA] Kito / Cats ECM App

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: S.C.P-096[US] (Holding) D.E.A Special Agent[US] (Holding) G.O.C Lance Corporal[UK] (Holding) Nu-7 Captain[US] (Held) G.O.C Lieutenant[US] (Held) Intel Agent[US] (Held) Site Manager[US] (Held) E-11 Major[US] (Held) CI-B[US] (Held)...
  2. Kito

    Rule Suggestion Removes MC&D's ability to 'raid' or break in.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Removes MC&D's ability to 'raid' or break into the site. Realistically this would also apply to the UN and CI bases. Approval from the faction's respective RP leaders can still allow MC&D into the base as deemed fit ICly. This would not restrict...
  3. Kito

    SCP breaches are so ungodly annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fighting SCPs is ungodly annoying and super unfun, theres no RP and you just die 40 times before they get RC'd and every time you get 1 to 2 shot by them they start being toxic like they're super good at the game with 20 thousand health and a 1 shot weapon vs someone with 100 hp and a weapon...
  4. Kito

    Denied GOC Strike M60 to M240B

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Swaps the M60 out for the M240B, nothing more nothing less Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: No Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): + Easier to balance GOC Strike Team / Jugg weapon...
  5. Kito

    PAC Request [US] ( Requires SSL ) Cédaris "Dare" Rovätoire's Grey Suit PAC3 & Lore Approval Request (#3)

    PAC Requesting Approval LORE: ISR-081400/1222 Added visual, animated, toggleable tail, which requires SSL approval. All lore was based around an event that happened in-game conducted by O5-3 "The Curator". Lore was refined with assistance from SL (Revolutionary). No other part of the PAC3...
  6. Kito

    Rule Suggestion Rule 1.02 Clarification for Civilian Trespassing

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Clarifies that Foundation and Global Occult Coalition personnel may not immediately kill Civilians within their base that aren't breaking rules(such as Parawatch entering Site-65), unless the individual is armed, hacking, or otherwise posing a threat...
  7. Kito

    LT Kaii C. E. Nu-7 PAC3 / Lore request

    PAC Requesting Approval ISR-80898-38660-EC5 PAC Requested (Which job): MTF Nu-7 Officer / Commander Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:120280980 Photograph of PAC:
  8. Kito

    Denied 1000lbs Bomb Dmg Buff vs SCPs

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Adds a 5x Multiplier to the 1000lbs bomb versus SCPs, dealing a total of 2500 damage. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: 1000lbs bomb buffs have been suggested before; Mine is different due to the...
  9. Kito

    [US] Cédaris "Dare" Rovätoire's Grey Suit PAC3 & Lore Approval Request (#2)

    PAC Requesting Approval LORE: ISR-081400/1222 Updated lore substantially w/ assistance from Revolutionary Updated keycard and ISR to remove the photo used w/ more server-friendly picture New keycard texture included as last imgur file Reusing old photos since nothing else w/ pac has changed...
  10. Kito

    PAC Request Cédaris "Dare" Rovätoire's Grey Suit PAC3 Approval Request

    PAC Requesting Approval LORE: ISR-081400/1222 ( Lore was created after an event on 11/05/2024 conducted by SGM breadicism! ) PAC Requested (Which job): GOC Soldier, Strike-Team Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:120280980 Photograph of PAC:
  11. Kito

    Kaii C. "Cat" Emile's DEA Special Agent PAC3 Approval

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): Special Agent Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:120280980 Photograph of PAC: The coat is slightly bluer, with the aviators and tie meant to represent what a Special Agent is, with clear identifiers in the front and back(DEA badge front, DEA marking...
  12. Kito

    How does everyone think surface combat is?

    I do not enjoy the way surface combat is balanced and feel like it could be substantially better, I think surface in general is under baked, boring at it's best, and annoying at it's worst. I think the fact people use their civilian character to minge is really annoying and it should be earned...
  13. Kito

    [US] Kaii C. "Cat" Emile's Special Agent Application

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: S.C.P-096[US] (Holding) D.E.A Sr. Agent[US] (Holding) G.O.C Corporal[UK] (Held) Nu-7 Lance Corporal[UK] (Held) G.O.C Lieutenant[US] (Held) G.O.C Lance Corporal[UK] (Held) E-11 Lance Corporal[UK] (Held) Nu-7 Specialist[US] (Held)...
  14. Kito

    Denied Site-Staff Overhaul / Maintenance Department

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This would overhaul the "Site Staff" roles(IT Technician, Chef, Engineer, Tech Expert, and Janitor) into it's own department with the same non-whitelist system, and Department management roles, that D.E.A and I.A use, in order to create more...
  15. Kito

    [US] Kaii C.'s Special Agent Application

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: S.C.P-096[US] (Holding) D.E.A Sr. Agent[US] (Holding) G.O.C Corporal[UK] (Held) Nu-7 Lance Corporal[UK] (Held) G.O.C Lieutenant[US] (Held) G.O.C Lance Corporal[UK] (Held) E-11 Lance Corporal[UK] (Held) Nu-7 Specialist[US] (Held)...
  16. Kito

    Denied FailRP for IA to ignore CoE / CoC violations

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Makes a rule clarification that disallows Internal Affairs from blatantly ignoring CoE, CoC, or Legal Codex violations, such as turning around while someone is murdered, or allowing GENSEC to kill Class-D personnel without warning. Has something...
  17. Kito

    Rule Suggestion Rule 1.1 Clarification for Civilian Trespassing

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Clarifies that Foundation and Global Occult Coalition personnel may not immediately kill Civilians within their base that aren't breaking rules(such as Parawatch entering Site-65), unless the individual is armed, hacking, or otherwise posing a threat...
  18. Kito

    Content Suggestion GOC Document Formats

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Adds a few GOC formats similar to the Foundation's, those being: GOC Incident Report GOC Research Study GOC Report Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Yes, it can be found HERE, and was accepted...
  19. Kito

    Denied UN GOC Combat Engineer (Unique role)

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This change would add the Combat Engineer role OR replace the current Engineer role(as per feedback request!) The role would have the following: Combat Engineers would use an up-armored version of the GOC Engineer model Combat Engineers would use...
  20. Kito

    Kito's Ethics Committee Assistant Application (USA)

    History List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: - {USA} - ___ Site Administration ___ Site-Manager ___ Mobile Task Force(s) ___ Epsilon-11 Major Nu-7 Specialist ___ Departments & Misc. ___ DEA Senior Agent UN GOC Lieutenant CI-Alpha SCP 096 - { UK } - ___ Departments...