Search results

  1. Jack G

    Accepted CSB + ER Merge

    This suggestion is merely to gather opinions and see what people think. What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Eastern Resistance X Crimson Blade Why combine the two? Since its release, CSB has never really picked up. The usual hype of a new update being released gathered attention for...
  2. Jack G

    [MRP] Jack G Resignation Appeal

    Name: Jack G Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94146882 Previous Rank: Senior Admin Date of resignation?: April 23, 2023 Why did you resign? I just didn't have the time as well as a few other reasons. MRP Development was slowing down and it felt like I was asking too much from people that I considered close...
  3. Jack G

    Accepted Add combat score to tac tablet

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Adds alternative costs to the Personal assets. For example, if you don’t have £15,000 to fork out for a Quad Bike, you can pay X amount of combat score. Same for armour, Personal UAVs and basically everything. This wouldn’t include anything else, no...
  4. Jack G

    Partially Accepted Change AG/SAS

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Caps numbers at 20 Buffs AG's/SAS' Primary Weapons Give special equipment deployable shield, sticky grenade etc Increase the Rank back to what it was Previously to Join AG/SAS Actually get it in heads that AG/SAS shouldn't have lots of players...
  5. Jack G

    Accepted Progression and Player Retention

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Improves Mastery or at least changes it to have a deeper meaning within MRP. Realistically, we need a new system or to change the current system to allow for a real meaningful reason to build up XP in your mastery tree to make it some what beneficial...
  6. Jack G

    Denied Give us a Roadmap for MRP Content

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Gives us a roadmap for the content that's planned or that is going to be added as well as a hopeful date of finish. It is currently the 17/10/2024. The last content addition we had to Military Roleplay was the Infantry changes, something that was...
  7. Jack G

    Jogo (Jack G) USSR High Command Application

    Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK Steam ID: Discord name: jiggly._ For how long have you played on MRP: 5 years Age: 20 In what country are you located?: England Time zone: GMT NATO name (regiment and rank): JAF CPL Jiggly G USSR name (regiment and rank): SHA COL Jogo...
  8. Jack G

    MRP Fishin Bot...

    this mf fishin bot keeps getting me auto timed out in the MRP discord despite me not interracting with it ever for weeks.... I woke up this morning to getting muted for 1 week, I asked aleem why I got muted and he sent me this??? I literally didnt type anything in ever. I was looking at the new...
  9. Jack G

    Partially Accepted Change High Command

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This aims to give High Command more accessibility to lead their side and keep them busy during peacetime. The first thing that would need to be done is a crack down on applicants to High Command, making sure that they have a good record and are...
  10. Jack G

    Partially Accepted Rules balls!

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Some Rules!! Simple things, much like hacking, where there has to be a Specified amount of people on each side for 'something' to happen. For example, I think it's fair that a Private Contractor may be hired to destroy an FOB if there are 4 people on...
  11. Jack G

    Denied Negotiation Rules

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Change negotiation rules to the 2nd week of the 3 attempted weeks rulings. For those unaware, it was basically that players are in charge of negotiations with no suggested or minimum prices. This meant that negotiations actually become negotiations...
  12. Jack G

    Accepted Add MRAP

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Add the MRAP to ISAF/SHA for Troop Transport. High HP, low versatility and low movement speed. Used for mass troop transportation across the map when required. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: No...
  13. Jack G

    Accepted Peacetime, High Command and Wars

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Okay, so basically right now there's people that want Peacetime extended, people that don't want peacetime extended, people that don't like the way wars are currently done/worked, people that don't like the current war types/how often some appear more...
  14. Jack G

    Partially Accepted Engineer + Auto rifleman Buff

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: - Add the Asset Marker for the Small Ammo Drop to SGRU, SAS, SHA and ISAF > The engineer job during war has no use for these regiments during war as opposed to the air regiment where it can repair helicopters as well as the tank regiments where they...
  15. Jack G

    Accepted MRP Hit Registration

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Fix the MRP Hit Reg. The MRP Hit registration is shockingly bad and needs looking into as it's genuinely a big issue. I'm looking through old clips when we were averaging around 80 players and it's nowhere near as bad as what it is now with 40...
  16. Jack G

    Denied Re-add Trusted role for Voting in Discord Polls

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Basically, there used to be a role in Discord that was Tied to being in a Regiment and allowed you to Vote on polls as opposed to anyone being able to vote. This means that votes that affect the Present in the server aren't affected by players that...
  17. Jack G

    Jack G Blacklist Appeal [Ventz]

    [Specifically regarding Ventz] Your in-game name: Jack G Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:94146882 Your steam community link: Date of ban: May 2023 I think Alt Accounts: I had 1x alt acc which was for Pilot Man Raj when I was staff and I was asked...
  18. Jack G

    Jack G Blacklist Appeal

    2 things. 1 I'm not sure what happened to my Blacklisted Player tag that was on the forums as that's been removed for some reason despite me still (i assume) being blacklisted lmao and 2. This is longer than my last one however, this has much more in depth detail and what not surrounding the...
  19. Jack G

    Jack G Blacklist Appeal

    Your in-game name: Jack G Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:94146882 Your steam community link: Date of blacklist: 10/06/2023 To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted?: I withheld a picture of Ventz whilst I was a Moderator that an...
  20. Jack G

    Denied Stingers for SWB/UAF at CPL

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Changes stingers from being accessible at MSGT to CPL in JAF/UAF. It is now locked behind an Anti-air job at MSGT. Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): It means that when an airforce is defeated in the air, they have a chance to take...