Search results

  1. WotInkermnation

    [Artist Application] Wotinkermnation

    In-game name: Frogger/ Kermit Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:55925966 Age: 24 For how long have you played on our servers?: Sep 2020 What country are you from?: USA Time Zone: EST Do you have a mic?: Yes Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones: Yes Have you received any...
  2. WotInkermnation

    Denied Config c mission into a GM Tool

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Give ability for gm to spawn in enities like c missions (brief case mission,damageble entities, point that must be defend for a certain amount of time and hackable entities. ) Allow these events do something like give that side more time for...
  3. WotInkermnation

    Accepted Give the Medical Chemist an Infection scanner kit and First Aid Kit.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: It would make sense for Chemists to get a First Aid Kit and Infection scanner since they are making Cures for the Foundation plus it saves the Trouble of running all the way to the medical wing to use the tester. Also Healing giving them a Field Kit...
  4. WotInkermnation


    Happy Birthday to one of best devs kvarkar!! ??? please wish him a happy birthday in post or discord if you see him @Kvarkar
  5. WotInkermnation

    Accepted Vehicle Overhaul (VIP and Regiment)

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: FACTION/REGIMENT CHANGE Remove NATO: Humvee Turreted, Humvee Ambulance, MATV M2HB Manned, Bradley Remove NWO: Gaz, Vodnik, Vodnik Ambulance,BTR-82A Remove 17th : LAV-25 Remove 1stAL: BTR-90 Add NATO: Humvee M2HB (updated), Humvee Transport (new), MATV...
  6. WotInkermnation

    Denied Vehicle Changes

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Add a smoke launcher to all the Armored Regiment vehicles. Add splash damage to K-16/ marder. probably 20 damage for 125 radius Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): allow tanks to use have a reason for blast decal and give a better...
  7. WotInkermnation

    Denied Change ER Leader Advance Field kit to a First Aid kit

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Change the ER leader Advance Field kit to a first aid kit Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Allow ER leader to fully heal rather than using 5 bandages to remove bleed and heal broken limbs. like how old Militia leaders used to have...
  8. WotInkermnation

    Who is your favorite admin ?

    @'a' CommanderSmith is pretty cool
  9. WotInkermnation


    please i gave too much money
  10. WotInkermnation

    Accepted Eastern Resisantce Guns and Kits

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Give ER some new guns and also kits so we also have a loadout to choose from rather than just the 3 guns we all use (ppsh,Ak12, rgp-5) Guns to give to ER only: link for each one G3A3, Makarov PM,TOZ-194, Stg-44,Fal, Mg-42 Regular- Gets the...
  11. WotInkermnation

    Accepted Buff rpg

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Allow the rpg to do damage agaisnt vechicles, fob, and fob structures. Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Lets militia [eastern resistance] to actually kill vehicles that used to take 5 rocket instead of 10 and destroy missile...