Search results

  1. Edwin

    Edwin has gone fishin'

    As you may know, I handed my resignation notice a week ago to Auburn and yesterday was my final day with the network. This was due to a multitude of reasons the main one being a lack of time to dedicate to CN. After playing CN actively for about a year and being around for much longer than just...
  2. Edwin

    Fish (again(part 2))

    Role owner's TeamSpeak ID: lqkc2wIc3K4TircxB3EJFnu7ou4= Which role are you modifying: Fish Are you adding or removing members?: adding TeamSpeak IDs of the members you would like to add/remove: A9iUm8zlUtvf+DDnRLEZoLZIMWQ= (@Senpai~ ) If adding: have you purchased the "Custom Role -...
  3. Edwin

    fish (again)

    Role owner's TeamSpeak ID: lqkc2wIc3K4TircxB3EJFnu7ou4= Which role are you modifying: Fish Are you adding or removing members?: adding TeamSpeak IDs of the members you would like to add/remove: pjX+Qm74zCTQ29ZVzj/F9lgxjRg= (@Starling6) If adding: have you purchased the "Custom Role -...
  4. Edwin


    Role owner's TeamSpeak ID: lqkc2wIc3K4TircxB3EJFnu7ou4= Which role are you modifying: Fish Are you adding or removing members?: Adding - TeamSpeak IDs of the members you would like to add/remove: cZC+FHixTw9BNRWfq/fmjmYNzSY= - @Prplex 16VIYpNcljLwu6cmSpQ+RIUDi+A= - @Gure...
  5. Edwin

    Edwin's custom role

    TeamSpeak ID: lqkc2wIc3K4TircxB3EJFnu7ou4= Have you purchased the "Custom Role - Discord/TeamSpeak" package?: Yes Do you have a screenshot? (optional): Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:483972815 - Custom role name (30 characters or less): Fish - Custom role icon (must be 16x16, 32x32, or 64x64, and 8 kB...
  6. Edwin

    [UK] Edwin's Site Advisor Application

    Why are you applying for Site Advisor? I wish to join Site Administration to expand my influence on RP and the SIte as a whole. I would like to see more of the server and the inner workings of multiple departments and help in the expansion and improvement of departments Sitewide. I wish to add...
  7. Edwin

    Edwin Hamilton "Wagie" 096 Application [UK]

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:483972815 Discord name: cricor For how long have you played on CG SCP: Age: 15 In what country are you located?: United Kingdom Time zone: BST Character name(s): F - Edwin Hamilton "Wagie CI - Edvin Hamilton GOC - Eddie Hamilton 'Alexander' Civilian name: Edward Dark What...
  8. Edwin

    [UK] Edwin Hamilton Chief Of Security application

    - - Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No - Why are you applying for the Chief of Security? I have always had a deep affection for GENSEC, considering it my favorite department. However, I can't help but notice several areas that could use improvement. Playing my part in GENSEC...
  9. Edwin

    [UK] Edwin Hamilton “Wagie” Moderator Application

    - Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: Unfortunately, not really. I've assisted on friends' Gmod servers and dabbled in similar roles for other games. This is my first significant application for a major server, so while I'm not entirely new, my experience is...
  10. Edwin

    Edwin Hamilton Application for Security Captain (UK)

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:483972815 Discord name: Cricor For how long have you played on CG SCP: 133.55 hours Age: 15 In what country are you located?: United Kingdom Time zone: BST/GMT Character name(s): Edwin Hamilton (F) Edvin Hamiltion (CI) Civilian name: Oliver Cortfield What server are you...