Search results

  1. Cain_Morris14

    Cain Morris's SCP 096 application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:702727365 Discord name: cainmorris0 For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been playing since August 2023 Age: 14 In what country are you located?: Republic of Ireland🇮🇪 Time zone: GMT Character name(s): Cain 'Homeless' Morris Civilian name: Cain Morris What...
  2. Cain_Morris14

    [UK] Cain Morris's 1st Inspector Application.

    From: To: ISD Leadership. About: Greetings ISD Leadership. I hope you all have been well since my absence from the department. I saw that the department still has some Inspector positions open and so I have decided to fill in the application to climp back up the ranks within the...
  3. Cain_Morris14

    [UK] Cain Morris Staff Blacklist Appeal

    Name: Cain 'Homeless' Morris Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:702727365 Previous Rank (convert if required): Trial Moderator. Who demoted you?: Neptune, Kayla, Tommy Lee, Cece as group decision. Date of demotion?: 29/12/24 What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK. What...
  4. Cain_Morris14

    Denied Remove being able to hack out SCPs below 50 players.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: It makes it so that people cant hack out SCPs below 50 players. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I don't know but probably. Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): -It would make the...
  5. Cain_Morris14

    ISD or AO?

    Which is better overall? Imo, ISD cause we just better
  6. Cain_Morris14

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Cain_Morris14

    What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK) Your Username: Cain_Morris14 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:702727365 Discord Username: cainmorris0 Age: 14 (Authed by Naffen to apply) What's your current playtime: 75 Days in total Do you have a mic: Yes Your characters name: Cain 'Homeless'...
  7. Cain_Morris14

    Cain Morris's 1st DoIS Application

    - Why are you applying for Director of Internal Security?: There are a good couple of reasons I am applying for Director of ISD which are listed below: First, I have been within IA / ISD for many months, I was Ambassador/ Inspector for around 4 months and I have been Commissioner for a couple...
  8. Cain_Morris14

    Denied Updating radios

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: It allows players to get links from spotify to play songs they like, and only the owner of the radio and staff can put in these links in the radio, also give the ability to pause songs which only the owner of the radio and staff can do. These...
  9. Cain_Morris14

    Denied CI raids & SCP breaches at late night.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: It adds making CI raids past 11:15 PM not aloud & SCP breaches past 11:00 PM unavailable, and be available again at 9 o clock. Make raiding as CI past 11: 15 PM until 9 o clock FailRP. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your...
  10. Cain_Morris14

    [UK] Cain Morris's 3rd Director of Internal Affairs APP

    From: To: The Ethics Committee Hello dear Ethics members, I have seen that the Director position for Internal Affairs has been open for far to long. Therefore I send you this message as my application for the Director of Internal Affairs position. I will attempt to provide as much...
  11. Cain_Morris14


    - test
  12. Cain_Morris14

    Cain "The Child" Morris

    Name is Cain, Age is 13 I am the best child on the server ever, E-11 CPT, ECA, Ambassador (Happy birthday Niox)
  13. Cain_Morris14

    Best MTF?

    E-11 on top!
  14. Cain_Morris14

    Cain Morris's 3rd ECA Application [UK]

    Vtime monthly: Weekly Vtime: - List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Held: Holding: CI-A x2 IA Agent E-11 CPL x2 DEA Agent: GOC-PVT CI-A IA Ambassador E-11 LT - Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: - What makes you the best...
  15. Cain_Morris14

    Cain Morris's OSA Application #1 [UK]

    Monthly Vtime: Weekly Vtime: - List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Held: Holding: E-11 CPL x2 IA Agent CI-A x2 IA Ambassador GOC-PVT E-11 LT CI-A DEA Agent - Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: - What makes you the best...
  16. Cain_Morris14

    [UK] Cain 'Homeless' Morris's 2nd DoIA application

    - List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Held Holding CI-A x2 CI-A E-11 CPL x2 E-11 CSG GOC PVT IA...
  17. Cain_Morris14


  18. Cain_Morris14

    Whats better, SCP-RP or M-RP?

    SCP RP is just simply better no debate try and change my mind
  19. Cain_Morris14

    Which is better? IA or Ethics

    IA on top no bias fr
  20. Cain_Morris14

    Would you rather: 008 breach every hour or keep O5 in the game?

    Personally I would go with keep O5 as an 008 breach every hour would always interupt RP and other things like that.