Search results

  1. Doug 'TrippleD'

    the truth behind the content teams denial of 457's burn meta!

    listen up guys, I dont have much time before @Snake comes after me... for the last few months that I've been undercover in the staff team and investigating the content team I've found some dark dark secrets behind the content team which only the most loyal and dedicated staff can know... first...
  2. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Denied Adding Chemical Banks to Recruit spawns

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Adds chemical banks to places like the CI recruit spawn and the GOC recruit spawn Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I dont think so Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): - Allows...
  3. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Dennid Council role

    Role owner's Discord ID: 1197889561146171395 Which Discord server is the role in: SCP Which role are you modifying: Dennid Council Are you adding or removing members?: Adding Discord IDs of the members you would like to add/remove: 707303514065338460 If adding: have you purchased the "Custom...
  4. Doug 'TrippleD'

    [UK] Jorge Mendes ECA Application

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant...
  5. Doug 'TrippleD'

    How to open a door

    STEP 1: Walk up to the door (walking tutorial not written yet) STEP 2: Bring your hand up to the handle STEP 3: Make touchdown onto the handle STEP 4: Twist your hand which is now connected to the handle left (or right, I forgot) STEP 5: Push or pull the door away from / towards you STEP 6...
  6. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Merry Christmas Civil Networks!

    Hope you all have a lovely Christmas and enjoy the break. Make sure to relax a bit and don’t stress being overworked. Christmas truce with CI on surface too!
  7. Doug 'TrippleD'

    New CN badge!

    I wonder who will be the first one to get it
  8. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Denied Deleted

  9. Doug 'TrippleD'

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Doug 'TrippleD'

    What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK) Your Username: Caramelalpaca Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:559185799 Discord Username: caramelalpaca Age: 15 What's your current playtime: Approximately 1500 hours (5.4m seconds) Do you have a mic: Yes, however in stressful situations I may use text...
  10. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Favourite people

    Who’s your favourite developer, staff member or just general employee and what’s your funniest moment / best experience with them / favourite work?
  11. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Questions about event chemicals

    How do you obtain them, what’s the best way to obtain them and what do they do??
  12. Doug 'TrippleD'

    why does yeke not do anything? (the NPC)

    before NL 1984’s me, I mean the NPC yeke by the lake house on surface in the corner of the map I’m sorry yeke, you do great work as CM, but I still wonder why the NPC does nothing Will we ever get a working NPC yeke? What will he do??
  13. Doug 'TrippleD'

    peas and mash

  14. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Denied Adding drinks to food carts

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Drinks like coca cola etc (the stuff you find in surface boxes) Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Not that I'm aware of Possible Positives of the suggestion: - Adds more variety to vending...
  15. Doug 'TrippleD'

    ISD Inspector application asks for steam id twice

    The pain of this minor error
  16. Doug 'TrippleD'

    o7 Darkrp forums channels

    It truly is, joever for DRP.
  17. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Warfunds for all factions

    Okay so hear me out here. GOC keeps their current amount of warfunds All factions can earn money from cmissions Factions can buy weapons or air strikes from the GOC and use their planes (foundation buys 1000lb bomb subscription license from GOC for 10,000,000, they get it on a tactical tablet...
  18. Doug 'TrippleD'

    [UK] Doug "TrippleD" Executive Researcher Application

    Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? One of the main reasons and objectives are why I want to be an executive, is due to the fact I see myself at the substantial sophisticated performance standpoint this means that my ability to be professional on site is un-matched. As well as the...
  19. Doug 'TrippleD'

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Doug "TrippleD"

    What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK) Your in-game name: Doug "TrippleD" (might have had a space after the triple before D) Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:559185799 Ban Reason: MRDM Date of ban: Monday April 15th Who banned you: Big Arthur 'REDACTED' Ban length: 2 weeks What will you do to...