Search results

  1. Disturbia

    Accepted Gambling!!!!

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Adds things such as Slots, Roulette Tables, Blackjack tables to both bases and Civilian Areas. Give us a money lost gambling leaderboard Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I didn't see it when I had...
  2. Disturbia

    Disturbias GM Appeal

    NameDisturbia Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:550830224 Previous Rank (convert if required):TGM Who demoted you?:Robert H Date of demotion?:26/5/2024 What is the case against you?: Abuse of Powers Is this true?: Yes Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No Have you ever been...
  3. Disturbia

    Pending Review Actual Artillery Structures

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Adds artillery pieces in the game, which can either be static pieces which are outside the Base walls so they can be shot or as a constructable item at FOBs, Id imagine these things are hard to create but have no idea. Has something similar been...
  4. Disturbia

    Denied Weekly Court Cases

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Add a guaranteed weekly court case which can be attended by either side, the crimes could be fabricated or they could be actual crimes committed by players. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: No...
  5. Disturbia

    Denied Rank Requirements for 17th/10th Repair tool

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove Make the engineer class for 17th PVT/PSC or give the Infantry role a repair tool Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I don't believe so Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Makes it so...
  6. Disturbia

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - LoftLivers

    Your Username: LoftLivers Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:550830224 Discord Username: disturbia94. Age: 16 What's your current playtime: 586 hours on MRP Do you have a mic: I do the only issue is it's a bit finicky in-game however on TS3 it is working fine Your characters name: NATO- Disturbia...
  7. Disturbia

    LoftLivers GM Appeal

    Name:LoftLivers Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:550830224 Previous Rank (convert if required): Trainee GM Who demoted you?: Robert H Date of demotion?: 26/5/2024 What is the case against you?: I abused my powers as a GM to gain an unfair advantage in war Is this true?: Absolutely Prior to this...
  8. Disturbia

    LoftLivers CSB Application

    Steam ID: Discord name:disturbia94. For how long have you played on CN MRP: Age:16 In what country are you located?: Time zone: GMT Character name(s):USSR: Disturbedd , NATO: Disturbia Civilian name: Do you have a mic?: - Yes List all NATO or USSR Roles/ranks that you have held: - KGB SLT, STS...
  9. Disturbia

    MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Disturbedd

    Your in-game name: Disturbedd Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:550830224 Ban Reason: Cheating Date of ban: 26/05/24 Who banned you: Robert H Ban length: 26 Weeks What will you do to stop this from happening again: To stop this happening again, I will not apply for any form of Staff or Game master...
  10. Disturbia

    MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Disturbedd

    Your in-game name: Disturbedd Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:550830224 Ban Reason: Cheating Date of ban: 26/05/2024 Who banned you: Robert H Ban length: 26 Weeks What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will not apply for staff until I can trust myself not to use my...
  11. Disturbia

    Loftlivers SC application

    Which server are you applying for? (UK/US):UK Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:550830224 Discord name:disturbia94. For how long have you played on MRP: About 2 months Age: 16 In what country are you located?: England Time zone: BST NATO name (regiment and rank): PVT Disturbia (No Reg) USSR name (regiment...
  12. Disturbia

    LoftLivers GM Application

    Which server are you applying for? (UK/USA):UK Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):LoftLivers For how long have you played on CG MRP: Around 2 Months now after i stopped playing around a year ago Age:16 In what country are you located?:United Kingdom Time zone: BST NATO...