Search results

  1. Doctor Nick

    Dr. Nick Medical Consultant Application v2 (SCP RP-UK)

    Foreword: Guys, I am practically an old fart and I make mistakes - I know that my initial application got denied in part to me advertising it in game. I was unaware that this was not allowed. However, I also realise that this is not an excuse. So – here is me applying a second time for the...
  2. Doctor Nick

    Dr. Nick Medical Consultant Application (SCP RP-UK)

    Steam ID: 76561198033886271 Discord name: erickdoe For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since April of 2024 (so about 8 months) Age: 38 In what country are you located?: UK and the Netherlands (varies) Time zone: GMT / GMT +1 Character name(s): 'Specialist' Nick (usually Senior Doctor...