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  1. Floppywuppet

    The Metagaming needs to be toned down. This is supposed to be a RP server.

    I am one of the few players who occasionally try playing SCP-966. Gameplay as 966 on most days goes as follows: You wait down your breach timer. You do NOTHING. Within one minute there is someone checking specifically YOUR containment chamber. You get called out as breached. Everyone and...
  2. Floppywuppet

    Denied Replace 5000 scrap McDonalds burger with 5000 scrap breach-charge

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: My suggestion is to replace the 5k scrap burger with a breach-charge of the same price. The charge would be used to damage or break the d-block airlock. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I...