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  1. Mr Cum

    Content Suggestion Lock out Alternative wars after one has been triggered

    Today there were very few conquest wars. Personally, and I believe many others agree, Capture the Flag (CTF) and Search & Destroy (S&D) modes tend to be less engaging as regular war types. While they can be enjoyable occasionally, they currently trigger too frequently. Hot Paths is another mode...
  2. Mr Cum

    MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Mr CumE

    Your in-game name: Mr CumE Your SteamID: 76561198235000972 Ban Reason: Cheating Date of ban: 16 Aug 2021 Who banned you: Falcon Ban length: permanent What will you do to stop this from happening again: I am no longer a egotistical 16 year old and I am a big grown up 19 year old who has no...