Search results

  1. erlmix

    [UK] erlmix's SCP-096 Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:534477835 - Discord name: Username: erlmix Display: mix | On the discord server: "CI-B D. 'erlmix' [TEU-LCPL] | Dirk Merc" - For how long have you played on CG SCP: 22 Feb, 2022. - Age: 15 - In what country are you located?: Switzerland - Time zone: GMT+1 - Character...
  2. erlmix

    [SCP-RP] erlmix's Ban Appeal.

    Your Discord name & tag: erlmix, [erlmix#0916] What server is this for, Network, DarkRP, SCP or MRP?: SCP-RP Permanent Discord ID: 414136938157572097 Date of ban: Around February, suspected February 14th, 2024. Reason for ban: No ban reason given, suspected: Fail RP, Job Abuse. (I have...