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  1. Nathaniel Brown

    Economy Reset fake?!?

    Can you give us a timeframe in which its going to happen? Lots of us have been spending our ingame money like maniacs after the announcement in the fireside chat and like to know if we are save from a reset in the near future.
  2. Nathaniel Brown

    Economy Reset fake?!?

    Well, its been more then a month since the last MRP fireside chat. Are they even resetting all money or was it just bluff so people spend their money?
  3. Nathaniel Brown

    Badge Flex Thread

    Still waiting for the Offshore Housing update tbf... No way I joined earlier then you the fuck
  4. Nathaniel Brown

    PAC Approved PAC Requesting Approval SCP-RP UK

    Homie actually copied Saint's PAC3 request and didnt even change the SteamID :skull:
  5. Nathaniel Brown

    Network Leadership required Let the Dutch use IDEAL

    +/- Support I dont really see the benefit, you can actually pay with Paypal which is easy to set up and link to your own bank account. If im not mistaken Ideal can get pretty expensive for companies aswell because of licenses and things like that. PayPal is a much safer option as everyone...
  6. Nathaniel Brown

    Dr TailSkipper NHC Application?!

    +Support + Active and friendly + Enough experience in 17th and ISAF + Takes lead when no NHC is on + No sexual harrasment in the workplace
  7. Nathaniel Brown

    perma ban appeal (kinda)

    Damn bro cool story Jokes aside, use the format if you want to have a chance to get the ban lifted. That way staff will know your steamID/in game name etc. If you actually cant be bothered to do that just buy your brother gmod on his birthday, seems like a better present either way
  8. Nathaniel Brown

    Denied Buff AT-4 & Matador ( Or just add the old rocket launchers that were originally in MRP 2020-2021 aka Matador for NATO and Strong RPG for NWO)

    +support The AA jobs feel a bit shit, especially the AT4. The AT4 feels ok against IFV's but using it agains FOBS/Tanks feels like you trying to destroy a wooden plank with a toothbrush.
  9. Nathaniel Brown

    PAC Request Cat Traits

    Homie down bad for that femboy PAC
  10. Nathaniel Brown


  11. Nathaniel Brown

    Damn bro, made a profile on here 2 years ago ☠️

    Damn bro, made a profile on here 2 years ago ☠️
  12. Nathaniel Brown

    [Updated 2024 Personnel File] Seth "Archangel" Krueger

    Who is this man and why does he smoke?
  13. Nathaniel Brown

    Accepted Disallow pathfinder FOB assaults if there's not at least 8 non afk people on both teams

    +/- Neutral Support As I do think Pathfinders are very OP I dont understand the part where you're only referencing to one team only. In case this suggestion is getting accepted please make it so you can only pathfinder when both teams have at least 8 non afk people on the server. example...
  14. Nathaniel Brown

    Denied Remove helicopter flares or increase turn rate of stinger

    -Support Just shoot and pray my brother
  15. Nathaniel Brown

    My message

    On god the most dedicated member of Nu-7 I could ever imagine. with spot on design skills (I'll never forget those fire logo's). Thanks for being in the CO team while we (old CO's) were there ?❤️
  16. Nathaniel Brown

    Denied Lecture Hall Change

    -Support VHS's are for slideshows, which do work great to be fair in my opinion. Adding a mediaplayer can be nice but it would most likely only be used for minging and shit.
  17. Nathaniel Brown

    Accepted NATO base fix QoL

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion suggests to remove the 2 concrete barrier blocks on the east gate of NATO base. These blocks are placed in the corner of the east side NATO gate and are placed in a way you can jump over to the gate controls from outside of base. This...
  18. Nathaniel Brown


  19. Nathaniel Brown

    Dutch/Mark's final goodbye

    o7 Nederlandse Broeder, Success with uni, I know how hard it is to juggle everything while having hella work to do for your education. If you just want to chill on CN, MRP is the place ?