Search results

  1. Pawn

    Pawns Resignation 2

    Name: Pawn Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:514428441 Previous Rank (convert if required): Head Moderator Who demoted you?: Chad Date of demotion?: 07/07/2022 What is the case against you?: I had to resign due to university/work and my time committed to the server was decreasing Is this true?: yes Prior to...
  2. Pawn

    Pawns Resignation Appeal

    Name: Pawn Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:514428441 Previous Rank (convert if required): Head Moderator Who demoted you?: Chad Date of demotion?: 07/07/2022 What is the case against you?: I had to resign due to university/work and my time committed to the server was decreasing Is this true?: yes...
  3. Pawn

    keno beats!!!!

    keno bets based
  4. Pawn

    Zokof/Seoul's SC application

    + Support + Mature + LTCOL of STS + Many wars won
  5. Pawn

    Zokof/Seoul moderator application

    +Support +Great RP +Good rule knowledge +Very active +Pretty good App I mean I've got no complaints, you were great on the GM team, and I believe you'll be better on the staff team.
  6. Pawn

    Vladameers staff app

    +Support +Active +Very friendly +Decent rule knowledge - I would probably write a bit more on why you want to join and what you can bring to the table however your application is still decent I think you would be a great fit for the staff team Good luck my man
  7. Pawn

    Damon Smith Moderator Application

    + Support + really chill and understanding + great application in my opinion - recent warning but I do think you'll fit in with the staff team Good luck my man
  8. Pawn

    Alexya´s Moderator Application

    -Support -You've recently been warned -Looks as if you haven't given much time in your application (only written 2 lines about why you want to be a moderator ) -Never seen you on the server unfortunately I would recommend spending more time on MRP and trying to build a few more bonds. Also...
  9. Pawn

    Ganilha's Moderator Application

    +Support Very supportive Reasonable Decent Application experience as a staff member Good luck my man
  10. Pawn

    luaes' MRP Moderator Application

    -Neutral No interactions Unsure about rule knowledge and maturity Goodluck tho my man
  11. Pawn

    Fexxy's MRP 2º Moderator Application

    +Support You're a great guy to speak to as well as a mature person A quite active and reasonable person Rule knowledge is decent Good luck my man hopefully you don't get nervous in the next interview ; )
  12. Pawn

    Lewis's Military-RP Staff Application

    +Support Great show of understanding of commands you are really active and have pretty good rule knowledge a very kind person but a reasonable person I would probably write more about why you want to be a Mod cause it looks a bit short Good luck with the Staff Application my man
  13. Pawn

    Fortze Ban Appeal

    Hi Fortze, I hope you are well. The sit was called upon you for ROE and I answered the sit and tried to bring you, and of course, I didn't find you so I put in admin chat you weren't present and put your steam ID in the chat. Of course, I waited 10 mins and you weren't back. I was told by...
  14. Pawn

    VeNoM's Staff Application

    Neutral mature when needed to be out of our interactions recently the application looks decent but could be improved with a bit better grammar so refrain from using "ik" unsure of rule knowledge haven't seen you until very recently which is good Try to explain what your warnings were for...
  15. Pawn

    Caleb's Moderator Application

    Neutral +application looks good but I haven't had any interactions with you so ima have to go with neutral. Good luck my man
  16. Pawn

    David's moderator application

    +Support - Really nice guy and very active - very helpful too - however, your application is good but try to make it a bit more professional (e.g. using b4) Goodluck my man
  17. Pawn

    Kenan's Gamemaster Application

    +Support Very chill guy Active Really nice application I think you would be a great GM, great ideas! Good Luck my man
  18. Pawn

    AS3MAN Staff Application

    Neutral leaning to a +Support +really chill guy +not biased =maybe make your application a bit more detailed other than that good luck with your application