Search results

  1. Arion

    [UK] O5-4 'The Guardian'

    +Support -As far as I heard you are doing well as OSA and working really hard, and I know you have ambitions and ideas for some cool projects in the future -Worked with your Exec and OSA character in the past and I think you may fit O5 "The Guardian" -The character background could use be a...
  2. Arion

    Denied Arion's MC&D Update Suggestion

    While yes, some may think that reality bending on RM may be a bit too much, let's not forget that the max number of MC&Ds at all times will be most likely 4, including RM. It is also a non-combative role, meaning that just like regular foundation thuamatologist he/she cannot actively seek...
  3. Arion

    Denied Arion's MC&D Update Suggestion

    Alright then let me change that really quick
  4. Arion

    Denied Arion's MC&D Update Suggestion

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: -MC&D Hideout -New role for MC&D -Change to original MC&D salesman role -Comms for MC&D -New and Updated MC&D rules Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Not sure if something similar was suggested...
  5. Arion

    SCP-096 Application [UK]

    Steam ID:76561198112991748 Discord name: Lolus#3927 For how long have you played on CG SCP: It will be almost a month Age: 18 In what country are you located?: Poland Time zone:CEST Character name(s): Charles "Lolus" Lupin , Remus Kowalski Civilian name: What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP...