Search results

  1. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Anakin/Vladameer/Toji's Resignation appeal

    +Support Was an good SL/staff in the past. I do think he will do great if he returns and he has alot of experience form way back to more recent times. Goodluck dont get more noise complaints though please ...
  2. Michiel Hoofbabski

    [MRP] Jack G Resignation Appeal

    +support Was an great member of SL before get him in
  3. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Denied KWK Damage Reduction to tanks

    -support As an ex tank RC (17th/1stal). I heavly disagree with this suggestion. I do get it yes its annoying to get one shotted but first off all you can also one shot the kwk with just an single tankshell. A big thing on being good in tanks is area awareness knowing where there KwK's on the...
  4. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Jogo (Jack G) USSR High Command Application

    +Support W Highcommand gamer accept him
  5. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Bobby1 Best friends from over the years.

    Hello sir @Bobby1 Its an Honour to be your number eight best friend on the big Civil Networks Community. The only thing I find wierd in your List is where is the GOAT Horatio? Isn't that your Ex? But nonetheless I find it very sigma super skibidi toilet to be on the list.
  6. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Wolf Varem Leaving

    Dag Dag hollandse kaashoofd. Khoop da ge u hand nie nog meer naar de kanker doet de heer Wolf Varem
  7. Michiel Hoofbabski


    Cya man was an pleasure meeting you and doing ruining SC when I was SGEN. I assume that I am "Michael". After all these years you cant even type my name haha ... ! Have a good one
  8. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Chillet's Resignation Appeal

    +Support +Mature +Was an amazing SL before -Dutch
  9. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Michiel signing out

    shouldve used steven GPT before postin
  10. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Michiel signing out

    Hello everyone today marks my last day as Super within MRP. I have been playing this community an month after MRP's launch. since my last gmod break over 2 years ago i have been playing consistently since and in that time i became an gamemaster again worked my way up to Senior Gamemaster and...
  11. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Tac's Demotion appeal

    APPEAL DENIED Hello Tac Due to you being demoted when you were an trail moderator you would need to make an normal staff application instead off an demotion appeal. You may make one here via this link Regards...
  12. Michiel Hoofbabski

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - 'Big Boss'

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Hello @Sly Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application. Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the...
  13. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Aleems top 10 opps

    @Aleem Abdul demoted
  14. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Theo's Resignation appeal

    APPEAL ACCEPTED Hello @Theo Thank you for taking time to make an resignation appeal We have decided to bring you back into the team as an Moderator Regards Michiel
  15. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Mc Flurry 4th demotion appeal

    APPEAL DENIED Hello @Mc Flurry You haven't waited the correct amount of time to reappeal your GM demotion from the last appeal. You may reappeal on the 21/08/2024 Regards Michiel
  16. Michiel Hoofbabski

    MrGhost's Level 3 Demotion Appeal

    APPEAL DENIED Hello @mrghost After speaking with James we have reviewed the demotion reason and we think it was an valid reason for demotion Our apologies for this taking long to respond. If you don't agree with the cause of action you may contact myself or drew. Regards Michiel
  17. Michiel Hoofbabski

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Dentos

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Hello @Dentos Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application. Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the...
  18. Michiel Hoofbabski

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - redsmufc

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Hello @redsmufc Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application. Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the...
  19. Michiel Hoofbabski

    a bit late but to answer questions

    o7 drakoo
  20. Michiel Hoofbabski

    MilitaryRP - GM Application - miff

    APPLICATION DENIED Hello @miff Thank you for taking time to make an gm application After reviewing your app it is clear that you have copied bits from other people's applications wich is against the application rules and as an gm you should be able to think of your own ideas instead of using...