Hello James
At no point have I said anything untrue or remotely close to a lie I've simply explained my POV from point a to point b from when I entered the staff sit. I was referring to when he was speaking in voice chat I had not seen a text message from him in chat stating that he was dragging...
Hello James
Just to clarify at no point did I take witnesses I was called to assist in the situation because a fellow staff member asked for help that is my job. Sated by the staff handbook and the words of our higher ups a staff member may use their own eyes as proof in the event that they see...
Hello James
As Nightmare had said above he had witnessed FailRP from you by not valuing your own life and letting the doors kill you on purpose. Shortly after a higher up was called for in admin chat and I happened to be the first one to respond. However prior to this I sat and explained to...
Hello Umbratis
Due to the multiple clips I received you killed quite a few people not just in the medical line like I said previously it didn't seem like you planned on stopping I understand its your first ban / warn on the server however at the time it didn't seem fitting for just a warn /...
Hello Umbratis and sorry for the late response.
I do recall having a talk with you about why it was considered MRDM I explained to you that you cannot Kill D class without a valid reason or it is considered RDM. If I am remembering correctly there was several sits made about you one of them...
-Extensive Ban/Warn History
-Poor Knowledge Of The Rules
-Was recently warned for PAC3 Abuse (Allowing him to gain access to the armory the grabbed a matador and killed multiple people)
Closing Comments: I've had far to many negative run ins with this individual to offer anything nice...
-Natural leaning towards -Support
-Hefty amount of warnings with a ban on top
-Can be mature at times however when upset tends to lash out
-From my experience with him his rule knowledge was not the best however this was a few weeks ago
+Neutral leaning towards support
+Seems to have good and genuine intentions for the server
-Listed total gmod hours under the playtime question not his server playtime.
+Previous Staff Experience
+Active and can be active when other staff cannot
+Good interactions and seems to have good intentions for the server
+Creative Ideas
+Has a decent amount of time he can be active each day
+Has experience creating fun , interesting, and exciting events
+Can be active when others are not such as other GMs to further spread out events across different times
Good Luck !
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):
6d 0h 26m 31s (Much more then this I have the one week achievement my vtime bugged out)
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:95764196
Discord name: Mateo Santoro#2561 / MTF E-11 CSG Mateo Santoro |CI-B
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6d 04h 55s
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): "Punisher" Mateo (Foundation) / Mateo Santoro (CI)
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):
2d 2h 31s
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
MTF E-11 PVT Mateo...
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