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  1. I luv kebabs

    what the fuck is your border

    what the fuck is your border
  2. I luv kebabs

    Nikita Dorashov SSHC Application

    -support He does not need this.
  3. I luv kebabs

    Accepted Partially Restricted Wars

  4. I luv kebabs

    Denied Remove bomb/gun drones

    Stingering drones is the most retarded thing ive heard. You get little stinger ammo itself and to waste them on drones is just dumb. Fix their hitboxes and give some better audio than a microwave buzzing sound so you can spot them.
  5. I luv kebabs

    Denied Remove bomb/gun drones

    +support even though i play drones myself, that shit is unfair. You can get a good hiding spot during a war and just constantly bomb people near their fob or on a point and losing 1.7k cash. It takes no skill whatsoever to use a drone and shooting it down comes down to luck because the hitbox is...
  6. I luv kebabs

    Denied Certain illegal tac insert locations (not rallys)

    -Support it has not been an issue for a long time, tac inserts can get destroyed easily, considering the defenders spawn in base and always have a quick way to the tac is enough while the attackers look at the tac as a hope to cap.
  7. I luv kebabs

    Partially Accepted Disallow Drone usage in Base Raids.

    You destroyed our Tac insert on a roof top with drones without leaving bunks, kinda broken.
  8. I luv kebabs

    Denied Green dots on drones

    +Support Also make it so ally helicopters have green dots? same with drones would be cool.
  9. I luv kebabs

    Partially Accepted Even More Drone QOL Changes

    +support on the change the appearance, if its possible just make it so nwo drones are red and nato drones are blue, easier to identify than seeing a name and gotta figure out if that person is in nwo or nato
  10. I luv kebabs

    Denied [MRP] Mastery Exclusive Benefits Expansion

    -support The first is not possible as i was said. the second one is just not fair for new players, i myself have mastery lvl 42 so i would have like what 200 hp? thats dumb. the third one is also not good for shoveling etc. just because building fobs is a time killer during peacetime and making...
  11. I luv kebabs

    Denied Surrender system

  12. I luv kebabs

    Denied Bring back USSR

    +support Appreciate the Devs for creating NWO, cool models, vehicles etc. but sadly it does not have any decent lore, USSR is something people know just from school and stuff, easier to RP with that faction and also have fun. NATO got the treatment of a faction not getting enough members so...
  13. I luv kebabs

    Hip Fire Spread Revert

    -support It was always aids to beam with hipfire, learn to scope in and shoot. It also counters people jumping a corner because they cant sprint jump while scoped so they gonna miss a lot of the shots.
  14. I luv kebabs

    Kowalski's SC Application

    +support my boy is a good leader, understanding and also gets good kds
  15. I luv kebabs

    Denied ISAF Sniper Job

    -support Ivg doesnt have it also and its fine lmao, youre just bad if you cant snipe good
  16. I luv kebabs

    Denied Making building FOBs faster

    -Support Building fobs is a key part of a good war and it shouldnt be easy to do it, sometimes during peacetime all u can do is build fobs so its better to build em for 50min instead of being afk
  17. I luv kebabs

    Denied Mini map

    Redo the suggestion and follow the format.
  18. I luv kebabs

    Accepted Remove the "new" war types and additional suggestion

    +Support, instead of just removing the war types, some of them are fun like search n destroy but make it so after that specific war (CTF, search and destroy) to give back the territories that were taken away.
  19. I luv kebabs

    Accepted Nerf ka52 cannon

    +- neutral Harry can outclass everyone in a heli pls nerf him.