Search results

  1. Jerichoo

    [Addons & Lua Application] Jericho Jones

    A lot of my previous works were on physgun on the servers that I have worked on so are now unfortunately lost, at the moment I am working of a few small things but are very small or in progress still so at a low level, It might be easier if you just give me something to make and I can forward...
  2. Jerichoo

    [Addons & Lua Application] Jericho Jones

    I would, However considering the code is either from personal projects or servers I've worked with in the past I can't share most of it. I beleive that my development abilities are reasonably shown from those images and any further proof would come any work produced with Civil Networks, I'd be...
  3. Jerichoo

    [Addons & Lua Application] Jericho Jones

    My Apologies, I forgot to attatch photos of previous works. Aditionally, if you'd like a portfolio forwarded to you @Yeke I'd be happy do to so though im assuming you would prefer it not attatched to this app since it has my past employments. Photos of previous work below, would also be happy...
  4. Jerichoo

    [Addons & Lua Application] Jericho Jones

    In-game name: Zaneth Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:199939784 Age: 17 For how long have you played on our servers?: I have been within the community for Several years, Mostly playing back in the days where Civil was Just Darkrp and also across the time of Civil City etc. I have also played the SCP rp...
  5. Jerichoo

    My amazing staff app

    -Support Hi there Puffy, I'm going to be giving you Negative Support for the following reasons: +Active Member Ingame -/+ I have never interacted with you in team speak. This can be bad considering It is our main form of communication. -Very large amount of Warnings, Kicks & Bans, I'd suggest...
  6. Jerichoo

    Staff Application Mrdrexs

    -Support Hi there MRDREXS, I'm going to be giving you Negative Support for the following reasons: - I have never interacted with you in game. considering your alleged 696hrs in game this is quite bad. - Application Incomplete. -Having 696hrs is clearly false information as mentioned by above...
  7. Jerichoo

    [SCP-RP UK] Blue's Very early introdution

    I think it's Blue tbf.
  8. Jerichoo

    Denied Printer Fan Suggestion

    +Support No additional comment needed
  9. Jerichoo

    Chetso's moderator application

    -/+ Neutral + Seen Active In Game + Previous Experience -/+ Application Format Not Pleasant - 3 Warnings, Including Staff Disrespect - Never seen in TS
  10. Jerichoo

    Jerichoo's Staff app | DarkRP

    Original Steam login name: Cark How many hours of playtime do you have?: 1 day, 11 hours Age: 16 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: GMT+00 In-game name: Jerichoo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:199939784 Discord ID: Do you have a mic?: Yes Is this the first application you've...