Search results

  1. Bobby1

    Stefan Returnee Application

    -support You’ve came back like 18 times now and always do the same cycle as Kaz has mentioned. Put a bit of time into the server again before making a returnee application
  2. Bobby1

    Britain's Got Talent

    Christ you put a photo of KSI and didn’t put a TW, people who want to be Yakub give me very severe PTSD so I’d hope you would do better
  3. Bobby1

    Why do people have so fancy signatures

    some people do too much, all you need are a few lines stating your accomplishments
  4. Bobby1

    VWAR_Config Territories QOL

    [+/- Support here] +Support [Response here] Good suggestion
  5. Bobby1

    Kaz's Returnee Application

    +support In Moscow’s streets, where snowflakes dance, Lived Kaz, a boy with fleeting glance. His skirts would twirl, his heels would click, A femboy’s charm, both sharp and slick. The Red Star shone with iron might, Yet Kaz sought thrills in neon light. He sipped his tea, then...
  6. Bobby1

    Matt Taylor's Returnee Application

    +support Sounds like a wind turbine is 5 meters behind him at all times
  7. Bobby1

    Need to Hit Diamond 1 Someday

  8. Bobby1

    Roman 'Saltzer's Second GM Application (Improved a tiny bit)

    Why would ABT/JAF be fighting a Kayak is that not a Navy problem?
  9. Bobby1

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Chain

    +dupport Getting promoted to PSC is very impressive, with this achievement I think mod would be easy work for you
  10. Bobby1

    Pending Review Add MNScript & maxnet

    +support Another brilliant suggestion that will never be added.
  11. Bobby1

    If you could take the powers of one superhero who would it be?

    I would take the powers of Lebron
  12. Bobby1

    MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Bobby1

    Your in-game name: Bobby1 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:91861058 Ban Reason: MRDM [A] Date of ban: 18/02/2025 Who banned you: Zak Ban length: Two weeks What will you do to stop this from happening again: I must ensure that when I am messing around with other players, everyone around me is okay...
  13. Bobby1

    Denied Change baseraids back to a Sunday not a Saturday

    Auburn when I saw the discord post, I believed that the idea was to end this specific campaign early as nato were already so far behind and we can get on backwater quicker. I didn’t think it meant every campaign will be on a Saturday. I think the best idea is to redo the vote. If we can get...
  14. Bobby1

    Denied Change baseraids back to a Sunday not a Saturday

    It was misleading
  15. Bobby1

    Denied Change baseraids back to a Sunday not a Saturday

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion is to change the campaign end back to a Sunday and not a Saturday. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I do not believe so Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Me and...
  16. Bobby1

    Accepted Stop the chat spam and slight improvements to new player experience

    +support I hate trying to spawn on a fob and clicking on a random link by mistake