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  1. LiamC

    Ban Appeal

    Hi there, I was under the impression that my reason for 'mass RDM' was valid as I stated that I believed an event such as the one I was involved in was the cause of the code 2 riot. This was because I had seen other players also RDM other D Class without being punished leading me to believe it...
  2. LiamC

    Ban Appeal

    Your in-game name: John Smithington Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526606963 Your steam community link: Date of ban: 01/08/22 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Mass RDM Who banned you: Ban length?: 2 weeks What server...
  3. LiamC

    Ban Appeal

    I was just banned for 2 weeks for mass RDM. I had previously seen other players going on a rampage like I did in D Block and suffering no consequences, therefore I thought it was allowed. As well as this the code 2 Riot led me to believe that this kind of behaviour was allowed since it would be...