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  1. Umbratis

    Ban Appeal, Not Even A Warning.

    I understand how you see it and I agree it might have looked like it, I have never seen the clip nor the others, I just remember killing and then stopping. and what I mean without a warning is more of oh you did a bad thing this is your first warning sends you back that's what I mean sorry for...
  2. Umbratis

    Ban Appeal, Not Even A Warning.

    I've only ever done it once, I've never had a sit on the server about it. I never killed anyone in the medical line only the researcher line, I remember there only be maybe 5 or 6 maybe less it's been over a week ago. I stopped after and said sorry and said they were mic spamming yeah I killed...
  3. Umbratis

    Ban Appeal, Not Even A Warning.

    Thank you, it means a lot to hear something after a week.
  4. Umbratis

    Ban Appeal, Not Even A Warning.

    It's been a week and 2 days, without a single response or word. I love the server but how is this even possible? I am tired of waiting, I want to know if it's denied or not. Yes, I fucked up, yes what I did was wrong. I could play the UK server but I rather play in the US with people I know...
  5. Umbratis

    Ban Appeal, Not Even A Warning.

    Your in-game name: Kruger Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:90551083 Your steam community link: Date of ban: 08/08/2022 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): MRDM CLASS A Who banned you: I don't know the froze me faced me away and I...
  6. Umbratis

    [US] SCP-RP Moderator Apllication

    I have seen this, after saying up 24 hours and was like let's see what happens, but clearly, there is a lot more going on in the server as it seems that everyone has little clicks in it, just felt like tossing my rock in and see what would be said. edit, Next time I submit I will have a lot to...
  7. Umbratis

    [US] SCP-RP Moderator Apllication

    Original Steam login name: Dekureisu - Umbra How many hours of playtime do you have? 10 hours Age:24 In what country are you located?: Canada Time zone: Est Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Kruger/Kruger Von Weiss Chaos name (include your rank): x Civilian name...