Search results

  1. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] O5-1 "The Humanitarian" Ascendance

    + Support Charlie is long overdue for a senior CL5 position
  2. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Executive Researcher Application(UK)

    - Application Verdict - Mr Casseno for Executive Researcher Good Evening Mr. Casseno, Thank you for taking an interest in the Site-65 Department of Research and applying for the position of Executive Researcher. I regret to inform you that your application has not been succesful and has been...
  3. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Executive Researcher (UK)

    - Application Verdict - Mr. Murk for Executive Researcher Good Evening Mr. Murk, Thank you for taking an interest in the Site-65 Department of Research and applying for the position of Executive Researcher. I regret to inform you that your application has not been succesful and has been...
  4. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Rito's Exec. App [UK]

    - Application Verdict - Mr Fraser for Executive Researcher Good Evening Mr. Fraser, Thank you for taking an interest in the Site-65 Department of Research and applying for the position of Executive Researcher. I am glad to inform you that your application has been accepted and is now pending...
  5. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Dennid's General Security Captain Application

    + Support Good attitude towards departmental management and RP Good experience pool Already familiar with CL4 combative jobs Overqualified
  6. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Ella Rayman Ethics Committee Member Application

    - support I have had some good interactions with you in the past but these were in the context of policy development, I do not have confidence that you have the innovation and personal inspiration to create RP and work to lift up and maintain a high standard of passive RP across the site.
  7. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Cade Valentine's DoIA Application.

    + Support One of my boldest critics in the past and a huge fan of my Orange Suit story line, not to mention a good quality application
  8. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Baeden 'Satchelboy' Cowen's Captain Application (SCP-UK)

    + Support GSD Cpt is an ideal role for your first CL4 position on returning to the server and adding your experience to the GSD is a welcome addition.
  9. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Michael 'Banana' - Security Captain Application #2

    + Support Would have like to have seen a bit of elaboration on the GSD Cpt's duties but I think your past experience and good conduct speaks for itself. I think you would be a good asset to the GSD.
  10. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Executive researcher application [UK]

    - - - Application Verdict - ChatGPT for Executive Researcher Good Evening ChatGPT, Thank you for taking an interest in the Site-65 Department of Research and applying for the position of Executive Researcher. I regret to inform you that your application has not been succesful and has been...
  11. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Executive Researcher Application(UK)

    - Application Verdict - Mr Casseno for Executive Researcher Good Evening Mr. Casseno, Thank you for taking an interest in the Site-65 Department of Research and applying for the position of Executive Researcher. I regret to inform you that your application has not been succesful and has been...
  12. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Sven 'Viper' Eriksson's Executive Researcher Application (UK)

    - Application Verdict - Mr Eriksson for Executive Researcher Good Evening Mr. Eriksson, Thank you for taking an interest in the Site-65 Department of Research and applying for the position of Executive Researcher. I regret to inform you that your application has not been succesful and has been...
  13. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Horizont (Ragamuffins) Executive Researcher Application

    Application Review Good Evening Seven, Thank you for showing an interesting in joining the Site-65 Executives team, I regret to inform you that this application will not be elevated to interview and has been denied. The reasons for this denial can be elaborated on if you should choose to...
  14. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] 'Eidolon' Director of Research Application

    "Eidolon" In Ancient Greek literature; an apparition or phantom. A look-alike spirit-image of a living or dead person. In English; a false apparition, human or otherwise, that represents an idea or ideal - often assosciated with a deity or the vengeful dead. List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI...
  15. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Eid mubarak guys!!!

    Only Christ can save.
  16. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Toaste 'Puppy' W.'s Second DoR Application

    - Support While this application is of reasonably decent quality and I believe that Director of Research would be the most natural progression for you against other Senior CL4 positions I have seen your recent conduct in other DoR applicant's applications and I believe you cannot separate...
  17. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Engallagher K. C. Ludenberg's Site Advisor Application

    +support experience in departmental manageament and side-wide policy creation a well documented history of managing an RP centred department promoting it's activities has demonstrated the necessary willingness to issue strikes and demotions to his own staff when necessary, which is essential...
  18. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] James Siegel (Skinner)'s ECM Application

    I'm not sure where you got this information from but your saying these things has made me change my opinion to a -support I do not believe you know what the lore setting of the Ethics Committee is or what the FLC's intended purpose is.
  19. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] James Siegel (Skinner)'s ECM Application

    Edited to a -support Past position as Chief of Security means that you will have undoubtedly have had to deal with FLC infractions committed by your own staff and will therefore have been in the receiving end of EC and/or IA investigations, so you will have some level of understanding of how...
  20. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Guts' Ethics Committe Member Application

    - support applicant does not have experience in departmental management, site-wide policy creation or RP creation experience pool is, strictly combative, lacks seniority and shows a very short amount of time spent on the game application lists the duties of an ECM inside and outside of RP...