Search results

  1. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Content Suggestion Remove Site Command and ISD

    - Support The main points made by this suggestion is that the removal of SC will mitigate ego issues, but overlooks the fact that ego issues occur across this entire playerbase with the main difference being that SC actually hold power and position IC which places CL5 issues at the centre of...
  2. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Zack's Security Chief Application

    + Support This application expresses a genuine interest in the development of the GSD and improving it with broad updates to its documents and procedures. The application also identifies the fact that a senior CL4 is a position that a lot of newer players will be encountering on a daily basis...
  3. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] William "Stealth" White's ECM Application

    Neutral - During your past tenures in senior positions you have had some questionable activity but I do believe this is far enough behind us that you could have made some significant personal developments that allow it to be overlooked. - The application refers to the Ethics Committe as a...
  4. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Archangel's ECM App #1

    -support This application details poor reasons for wanting to become an ECM. The application states that you have had significant engagement in roleplay creation but does not provide any examples The application lists duties of the ECM using bullet points and does not go into any further detail...
  5. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Daniel Hammer's Ethics Committee Member Application #2

    - support Had to be asked fundamental questions in the comments section because they were not answered in his application.
  6. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] RedMann's Ethics Committee Chairman Application

    +Support My interactions with you took place while you were Commander of E-11 and I specifically remember your drive and individual effort were pivotal in bringing the regiment back up to speed after it initially fell behind. Your actions were also decisive in accustomising E-11 to the HCZ...
  7. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Denied ECM/ECC CL4 Card

    A little off-topic but the way it works is the Ethics Committee lies to everyone in CL3 and below to convince them that the Committee is powerless and that their main concerns are upholding the rights of Foundation employees. The Committee does this to encourage people to confide information to...
  8. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Denied ECM/ECC CL4 Card

    + Support A very server-lore friendly concept that would be well at home within ethics committee RP.
  9. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [SCP-RP UK] Charles Whitmee Ethics Committee Chairman Application #2

    + Support Charles track record orientates him well for the position, with the IA Director and ECM jobs in his experience pool. During my time as ECC he was proactive in looking for avenues to create RP if a little overzealous with documents - try not to lose sight of what matters in RP by...
  10. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Scotsman's ECM application

    - support application does not demonstrate an understanding of the ECMs role in RP or OOC.
  11. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] O5-2 "The Sadist"

    +Support deserves the demotion to O5
  12. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Accepted Moving Floor 3 Access

    I'll do you one better: Leave the double doors available to put GM event rooms behind them. Turn one of the bookcases in the Site Administration wing into a secret door that leads to the Floor 3 elevator. This would serve to keep the identity and location of the Overseers a secret and place...
  13. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] O5-1 'The Oligarch' Application

    -/+ Neutral The interactions I have had with you during your time as A-1 COM have always been productive and during the time I was Chairman I had good feedback on you from my O-1 COs team, with them saying you are highly cooperative and pivotal in keeping good relations between O-1 and A-1. My...
  14. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] O5-1 'The Sovereign' Application

    +support During my 10 months at CL5 I have had the pleasure of playing this game with around 20 different Overseers and I have observed that Broda is one of the best the Council has ever had to offer. He is highly proactive in creating RP, both passive and planned, and has an accommodating...
  15. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] O5-1 'The Deceitful' Application.

    -Support During your past tenure on the O5 council you failed to create any significant roleplay and were unimpactful in your position - and this is evidenced through your application in which you discuss having lengthy experience in leading roleplay but fail to provide any examples. Your...
  16. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    'Eidolon' - Former Chairman of the Ethics Committee

    Foundation Personnel File: Ethics Committee Chairman 'Eidolon' // O5-11 'The Featherman'
  17. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [SCP-RP UK] Maeve Glass' Ethics Committee Chairman Application

    +Support Throughout your tenure as ECM you have readily employed the unique RP setting of the Ethics Committee and handled the balancing act of disguising the EC's covert duties behind the public face that we are required to keep - not only have you done this to a higher standard than anyone...
  18. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Asura UK ECA App

    - Ethics Committee Verdict Report - 'Asura' for Ethics Committee Assistant Good Afternoon 'Asura', Thank you for showing an interest in joining the Ethics Committee; The Committee has met in deliberation of your application and concluded that you are not yet suited to assume the position of...
  19. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Accepted Regulate CI Infobreaches

    This is not an issue on UK and I do not think it necessary to invite SL intervention to micromanage RP- the quality of RP, including info breach RP, is proportional to the quality of the player. If the CI command team holds itself to account over the quality and content of the RP it creates and...
  20. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [SCP-UK] Moha Demi Ethics Committee Assistant App #2

    - Ethics Committee Verdict Report - Mr. Demi for Ethics Committee Assistant Good Evening Mr. Demi, Thank you for showing an interest in joining the Ethics Committee; The Committee has met in deliberation of your application and concluded that you are not yet suited to assume the position of...