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  1. Gasmask Person

    Denied Rework/Improve SCP-035 Mechanics - Pick-and-Mix of Ideas

    +Support 035 Needs some touch ups, it has one of (if not the lowest) HP's out of all of the SCP's excluding zombies and no longer has the benefit of being able to hack out another SCP due to hacking alerts INSTANTLY causing him to be found and easily killed, 035's purpose as of now is to be...
  2. Gasmask Person

    Denied buff grenade

    +Support Tanking a whole ass frag grenade is such a L, make it stronger.
  3. Gasmask Person

    Denied Make SCP-073 aka "Cain" worth playing and make him assist in research and easier to recontain.

    You making the text all black when its on a grey background kinda annoys me, +Support anyways since this is something what oughta be done.
  4. Gasmask Person

    Rule Suggestion [UK] Foundation should not be allowed in surface vents.

    Please give examples on how we're "camping little rats" instead of just throwing that excuse out without any legitimate basis, also having drones above vents is better since you can actually do something about that instead of walking into a instakill funnel.
  5. Gasmask Person

    Rule Suggestion [UK] Foundation should not be allowed in surface vents.

    This suggestion is to stop them from STAYING in vents, not to completely block them from entering vents what so ever, camping is a boring method for defence and shouldn't be used.
  6. Gasmask Person

    Rule Suggestion [UK] Foundation should not be allowed in surface vents.

    +Support It's just such a boring, lazy way to counter raids/DC's, do patrols and recon not just sit in vents like some goblin.
  7. Gasmask Person

    Accepted Remove the auto close on 035's blast door.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: It removes the auto closing feature on the 035 blast door, it makes it virtually impossible to breach without outside help considering the fact that by the time you possess someone and have them put on the mask the door will be closed and you have no...
  8. Gasmask Person

    Denied Rename RRT

    +Support Personally would be a fan of it being named Tactical Response as to be a bit more lore accurate. (atleast to the wiki)