Search results

  1. John Ramone

    bob.jermmey [USA] gensec captain application

    +Support Bob is an excellent role-player, friendly and overall helpful. I think he'd make a great candidate for Captain.
  2. John Ramone

    John Ramone

    I have to say it wasn't without provocation, it was over the forced cancellation of my comedy night I was hosting.
  3. John Ramone

    John Ramone

    yeah after reviewing the clip you guys were chasing officer james monroe
  4. John Ramone

    John Ramone

    I'm sorry but I was never cuffed nor used an autoclicker?? I don't know how to do that I think you have me mistaken with the other gensec that was in the room you guys were trying to chase down, I apologize for shootin you again but that wasn't me using a script or whatever. I only killed you...
  5. John Ramone

    John Ramone

    Your in-game name: John Ramone Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:15882633 Your steam community link: Date of ban: 10/18/2022 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): mass rdm Who banned you: HUNK? Not sure Ban length?: 2 weeks...