Search results

  1. ConfuseD

    unban Tetley Tea

    Your in-game name: Tetley Tea Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:157028373 Your steam community link: Date of ban: 10/04/21 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): NITRP Who banned you: MysticAce Ban length?: 1 week Link a copy of the...
  2. ConfuseD

    Possible Changes to Raiding [CG]

    Yeah I think the CG staff team is focusing on the wrong thing here. The reason the server has dropped in playercount is because of multiple reasons: COVID-19 gave it a good boost in players but now the lockdown restrictions are not at strict, Garry's Mod is an aging game etc. I think what would...
  3. ConfuseD

    CG OP Gang Wars Event - The Sendoff Before the Economy Reset!

    Name: Tetley Tea Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:157028373 Teammates (up to 3): "Bon Weener", "Totley Toe" and "Tom The Cunt" What will the name of your org be? (try to think of this beforehand if possible): Richard Cranium Are you excited for CG 3.0: Of course, I can't wait to see the server get a new...