Search results

  1. Solaz

    best COM?

    Commanders are overrated the real questions should be who's the best PVT
  2. Solaz

    Aspen/Lisbon's Goodbye till i come back again

    worst he really did put the L in gen o7
  3. Solaz

    Eid mubarak guys!!!

    khair mubarak
  4. Solaz

    Saint's CI Cartographer PAC3 Request (In RP only)

    arent you meant to be at outpost, please dont kill me because i killed a naked.
  5. Solaz

    [UK] Dmitry's SA Application

    +support +experience in RP position +Good app +Good person +professional His dedication and great work in IVG, has shown he's got great capability to become a RP leader (i understand MRP isnt scp) but from what i have seen he is more than suitable and fit for site advisor
  6. Solaz

    Denied Remove bomb/gun drones

    +support Add a cooldown to the use of drones so people cant spam 50 drones each war
  7. Solaz

    [UK] The Pennington's SD App

    Wild, you and ganch can cope Anyways...... +Support -lobster man
  8. Solaz

    Denied Certain illegal tac insert locations (not rallys)

    -support All reasons stated above
  9. Solaz

    [UK] Dmitry's GM application

    +support +good dude
  10. Solaz

    Chillet's MRP Moderator Application

    +support Nothing but positive interactions
  11. Solaz

    [UK] Ganch's Site Director Application

    After seeing the screenshots and proof of his behaviour, gonna leave a : -Major Negative support -Toxic - Causing drama for no reason - seems like he would be a threat to server health.
  12. Solaz

    Accepted NWO Vehicles Suggestion

    +support Put a v8 engine in da car.
  13. Solaz

    Dr TailSkippers NHC Application?! [2]

    +support seen him lead the last few wars for NATO seems fit for the position
  14. Solaz

    [UK] Ganch's Site Director Application

    I second this, even though i dont play scp.
  15. Solaz

    John H Solaz SC App

    I Do Agree IVG needs help, which is why one of the reasons i am applying IVG has not had a active SC since dragon resigned from his position I feel like i could do more for IVG if i was in SC, as for Leading I haven't lead alot of wars but have lead some During Night and early mornings and am...
  16. Solaz

    Calling it a day.

    thanks for making that sleeper agent event was fun and helped IRU at the time