Search results

  1. Endless

    [USA] Slater's Site Advisor Application

    +Support From everything that I have seen from slater in B-1, A-1, and in general on the server he is very qualified for this position. He understands his job and does it well. He is a good member of the community and would be a great addition to the SA team. Being my CO in B-1 has been an...
  2. Endless

    Denied Add Door Breaches to Dispenser

    +Support Allows External affairs to not have to rely on other people to do their job.
  3. Endless

    [USA] "Mikes" Site Advisor Application

    +support Active, dedicated, and knows what he is doing.
  4. Endless

    Hucks GENSEC Security CPT Application USA

    +Support -Active -Has good experience -Good fit
  5. Endless

    Heath applying for Security Captain (USA)

    -Support -I have only ever seen you on RRT and never on any SGT whitelist -Application is very bare bones and could use work I have seen you online, but only as an RRT officer. I have never seen you play on the SGT whitelists or lead in D-block. In you app you stated that you want to move up...
  6. Endless

    SCP USA Ethics Committee Assistant App

    +support -Good app -Active -Great interactions
  7. Endless

    Sponge's Medical Consultant Application [US]

    +Support -Knows what he is doing -Active -Chill
  8. Endless

    [USA] "Endless" aka Tommy McFly's Captain Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:240013329 Discord name: EndlessStorm#5882 If you need anything, message me. For how long have you played on CG SCP: 100+ Hours most of which have been GenSec Age: 18 In what country are you located?: United States of America Time zone: PST (GMT-8) Character name(s): Tommy...