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  1. 'Athena'

    [UK] O5-3 'The Zealot'

    +supoort Was asking pal to apply if a slot ever free'd up. Let him in 🥱🥱
  2. 'Athena'

    I don't enjoy ts (this shit) anymore

    shittest roleplayer ive ever met tbh love u goobywoobie
  3. 'Athena'

    Rainbow Dash's SGM Demotion Appeal

    my best alpha-1 fr 🔥 he will beat the allegations 🙅‍♂️
  4. 'Athena'

    Rainbow Dash's SGM Demotion Appeal

    dudes been nothing but chill asf on scp defo learned his lesson +support
  5. 'Athena'

    Sebastian's Overseer Assistant Application [UK]

    thats my bish right there +support
  6. 'Athena'

    Astro Zorbas Pac Request

    CoS therapy blotch
  7. 'Athena'

    [UK] O5-1 'The Consigliere'

    I was contacted on discord to give a +support to this application that didnt even let my body go cold Mans a legend, he stood in for me when I was sorting the very departments that made me leave (cheers again E-11, I have all the names dw x) anyway, grong is an incredible candidate, solid...
  8. 'Athena'

    take care stinkers.

    worst o5 ive ever had
  9. 'Athena'


    u never will
  10. 'Athena'


    new leaving post shout out to the doxxers! they're the real ones who made this happen! enjoy the blacklist @Naffen stinks @Rushi pookabaer @Grong take -1 @Merrick Travolta take ur meds @Remmy one day u'll be good enough for O5 @directgaming tommy resign crew resign @Broda stinks @assassin stop...
  11. 'Athena'

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Crazyscotsman

    Normally I don't really comment on staff applications, however I thought it best to come here and say a piece from someone who has directly dealt with you historically. The short part of what I'm about to say is: You do not take criticism well at all, and you unfortunately- whether intentional...
  12. 'Athena'

    Julien Kingston's SCP-22415 Application [UK]

    DUDE YOU'D COOK! GIVE THIS MAN THE ROLE OMG! SO MUCH AURA!!!¡¡¡!!¡!! (Colouring to support Julien as a PERSON)
  13. 'Athena'

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Tay

    dude... no.......... dont do it.... +support
  14. 'Athena'

    Rule Suggestion Make /me strips weapons powergame

    To be honest with current mechanics it'd be a bit poo to rule this as powergaming. If we had the MRP strip swep that would be 🔥 But otherwise, it'd be nice if it was like the /panic, and instead you could continue doing it that way but it is on a cooldown to maybe balance one person stripping...
  15. 'Athena'

    [UK] Broda's Ethics Committee Member Application

    +support While you've applied early, I mean c'mon Remmy's corpse aint even cold yet, I have to state my massive support towards yourself and this role. You were my mentor, then we toured as ECC (myself) and -1 (yourself). Round two, switch it up? As it currently stands, I don't think there is...
  16. 'Athena'

    Harvey Bridger's Second reassignment request to ECM

    -support Harvey, while I admire you are persistently working harder and harder to cement yourself within Ethics, I cannot with a wholeheart support your application due to a lack of performance in Site Administration, alongside RP creation. I think you need to spend more time within Site...
  17. 'Athena'

    PAC Request Tim Drake's Ethics Committee Member Wheelchair PAC

    bro pulled out the cup phone from grown ups there is absolutely NO WAY