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  1. Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov

    Kwill's Leaving Note

    did u Submit an LOA!11!1!
  2. Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov

    Some fucking 5ft8 fucking chav stole my electric scooter

    bth if that was me i wouldn't let that slide
  3. Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov

    civilgamers SGRP

  4. Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov

    my 05-o "jack blue man" application

    +support make this man 05-0 NOW
  5. Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov

    Alright who do you think would win in a 1v1

    i meant on the old darkrp server they could be used on players
  6. Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov

    Alright who do you think would win in a 1v1

    CI Jug Stats 200HP and 200 Shield RPD CG S.W.A.T Stats 170HP 200 Shield Auger Minigun
  7. Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov

    Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov Discord Ban Appal

    Your Discord name & tag: XXXEdgelordXXX#9797 What server is this for, Network, CityRP, SCP or MRP?: SCP Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 946481301161123890 Date of ban (if known): Unknown Reason for ban (if known): Insulting Staff (Perma) Who banned you?: Cloak Prior to...
  8. Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov

    half-life opposing force

    half-life opposing force is Mid
  9. Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov

    bring back darkrp petition

    CivilCity RP is similar enough to the old darkrp with some Major Different (map idk)
  10. Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov

    Top 10 things to do in france

    1. Leave 2.Leave (again) 3. Drop 008 into Paris 4. Drop 008 into Paris (again) 5.Place 76-2 in France 6.Commit code black on France 7. force all ci to live in France ( i dont like them) 8. force all A1/O1 to live in france ( i dont like them) 9. force 05 council to live in france ( i also dont...