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  1. Bogdan


    Cya people, I've been around since Military Roleplay's release, and developing content regularly or more recently sporadically. I do want to leave some wholesome messages for people of note, so here we go. @Chad Power You might one day be as good as me at programming ? @Hydro Last Christmas I...
  2. Bogdan

    This is 1984

    What do you guys think?
  3. Bogdan

    What is your favourite Greggs savoury/bake?

    Festive bake is obviously the correct option, however, it is early July and we're 4-5 months away from it coming back ):
  4. Bogdan

    [EVENT] TS3 Karaoke Event (Friday 4th of February 2022)

    KARAOKE EVENT Welcome one and all to the Civil Gamers 2022 Karaoke event, it's been a little while since we hosted one so we figured it's above time we got around to it as it's always fantastic fun. This time, we have a myriad of different categories to explore, whether you're singing alone or...
  5. Bogdan

    Military Roleplay - Monthly News - January 2022

    Hey all, we've decided to restructure the monthly changelog slightly, all of the previous content and changelogs we posted will continue to be in this post, we will also, however, discuss more general news such as bigger (Senior Mod+) staff promotions and community contributions; to make sure...
  6. Bogdan

    Military Roleplay - Monthly Changelog - December 2021

    Hey all, hope you had a fantastic Christmas. There's been a lot of changes this month, a good portion of which is thanks to the Town Hall that we held last month. We also have received and reacted or replied to a good number of community suggestions. So we're happy how the server is progressing...
  7. Bogdan

    Military Roleplay - Monthly Changelog - November 2021

    Hey all: first of all I'd like to introduce these monthly changelogs. These will be a new addition posted on the last day of every month, collating all of the changes since the last Monthly Change log into a single place, as well as providing further reasoning behind these changes and discussing...
  8. Bogdan

    [Suggestion] Forum time

    it would be pog to be able to see how long someone has spent online on the forums because then we can all laugh at Coolioo for spending 120 hours on the forums.