Search results

  1. Chii

    Denied D-block biometric cl3

    Make it a CL2 biometric instead, because its realistic that it would be biometric locked. It needs to be hacked, not keycarded.
  2. Chii

    [USA] Kennedy Wilson's Director of Internal Security Application

    +Support I trained Kennedy, so if I don't get the spot the product of my training should get it. :cool:
  3. Chii

    [USA] Gordon Gudgeon's Director of Research Application

    +Support I love everyone within the Research department, however in terms of who deserves this seat, I can't think of a single name id rather see in that slot other than Gordon. He absolutely deserves the role over everyone else.
  4. Chii

    [USA] Ikaros "Siri" DOIS Director Application

    Apologies Coke, but you are incorrect. I have been a Commissioner for exactly 3 weeks on the day this was posted, and as of today 3 weeks and one day.
  5. Chii

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Maxwelli

    +SUPPORT Active and nice to me!
  6. Chii

    [USA] Ikaros "Siri" DOIS Director Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:187037120 Discord name: Chii4182 For how long have you played on CG SCP: Multiple Years Age: 24 In what country are you located?: USA Time zone: Eastern Character name(s): Ikaros "Siri", "Whispers", Chii "Whispers" Civilian name: Ikaros What server are you applying for...
  7. Chii

    Whiskey's MC&D pac3

    -Support He didn't commission me to do the pac instead. +SUPPORT I luv u friend
  8. Chii

    Goodbye for now, Civil Networks.

    You didn't say bye to me specifically AND your leaving so now im double sad.
  9. Chii

    Accepted Improve VWar Name Changes

    + Support Contingent on the fact that it doesn't affect GM's changing players names for events.
  10. Chii

    Ikaros "Siri" E-11 Demotion Appeal 2 (Can be archived)

    Commander Yog claims that at the time he didn't see my DM's. We spoke and he has reinstated me. This is no longer required.
  11. Chii

    Ikaros "Siri" E-11 Demotion Appeal 2 (Can be archived)

    Name: Ikaros "Siri" Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:187037120 Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA: USA Level of appeal (2 or 3): 2 Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details: Yes, I was completely ignored and he decided not to speak to me. Who did you carry out the level 1...
  12. Chii


    i saw your pfp in "bye" and it scared me.
  13. Chii

    Miss Me?

  14. Chii

    Partially Accepted Remove SCP-500 Pills from D-Class & MC&D

    DO NOT TOUCH MY MC&D PILLS I HAVE AN ADDICTION!!! -SUPPORT FOR MC&D +Support for the D-Bois fudge the d-class they don't need pills
  15. Chii

    Dennid is Really bad at Ready or Not

    i don't even check for traps, i kick all the doors down cause its funny and i shoot anything that moves
  16. Chii

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - "Siri"

    Just as a note to this, because I saw your response on the other application. My ERP warn was because I said something along the lines of "I am gonna snap your necky wecky" as SCP 173.
  17. Chii

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - "Siri"

    Absolutely, I am doing a job interview soon and I will be back right after that. Ill submit it in about an hour.
  18. Chii

    I'm Tired.

  19. Chii

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - "Siri"

    To add to this application, I was just promoted to Commissioner of ISD, my first Senior CL4 role.