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  1. MLGMagicHoodini

    Paul Runner / Vin Petrol Departure

    I don't know how many will remember me, or how the community is currently since been some time, but to all ISAF y'all were my Nº1 Regiment, and I don't regret joining that regiment, and committing mass amounts of warcrimes, killing several friendlies, woman, and some other stuff I can't...
  2. MLGMagicHoodini

    Accepted Remove war types

    -support on removing +support on Attrition
  3. MLGMagicHoodini

    Denied Add Rule 3.16 IFV Shooting Helis

    -massive support That would make Air Regiments even more powerful, as far as I know, any IFV such as Bradley, LAV25, BTR80A and BTR90 and so on, don't do imense damage, and in some cases is not that reliable to focus on air units, when u can get AT4ed in the meantime u looking up, also IFVs are...
  4. MLGMagicHoodini

    Denied Remove the bloodscreen on spawning in

    +support For both the Gruesome deaths screen and for the red screen, cause I love when game is lagging heavy, or during base raids, and all I see is red :) (idk if this is something devs can change as idk if it's a GMOD Thing)
  5. MLGMagicHoodini

    Accepted [MRP] - Allow selection of crime type (Felon/Mis/Inf etc)

    +massive support Police Regiments need more interaction, and better connection with people, and less "break law, put in jail 40mins, enjoy" There needs be more communication with all parties and etc
  6. MLGMagicHoodini

    Accepted Add the Illness system from SCP to MRP (with slight tweaks)

    Neutral A good idea, and concept, but personally, don't think adding new stuff should be the focus of devs, but fixing, and improving current content, and broken content, otherwise it's just more and more new stuff, and the stuff that's broken still broken
  7. MLGMagicHoodini

    Denied replacement of the a2 abrams for the Leclerc Série 2 [17THAR suggestion voted and had meeting over]

    -support Doubt it will fix the driving and gun handling since I believe these be affected by Tick rate, and not the tank itself, but up to staff to try and see if it's better
  8. MLGMagicHoodini

    Denied Fix NWO Highlands Base

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Fix the unfair base they get, and before NWO comes here saying Cope, respectfully, this is a suggestion, you can disagree, but don't be a little kid and "cope", when you know it's damn true NWO Base is the most broken base out of all bases across the...
  9. MLGMagicHoodini

    Denied Proper RP & Realistic Changes

    The moving slower I noticed in the Boxer, but the turret turn not sure? Also getting a tank to 500HP is hard, and even then, it can still go back to base most of the time with the remaining power While that is true, keep in mind the map is big, and also, sometimes not everyone is at same place...
  10. MLGMagicHoodini

    Denied Proper RP & Realistic Changes

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: - Better Weapon Mechanics - Better Vehicle Mechanics - Fair and More Fun Combat - Better RP Situations Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Don't believe so, or if it was, I did suggest something...
  11. MLGMagicHoodini

    Accepted Add Vehicle Repair Tool to 1st/17th CO Job

    +support Don't see why they don't have it
  12. MLGMagicHoodini

    Denied Limited Ground Vehicle Ammo

    +support If Helis have ammo so should tanks, die too easy? Coordinate better, and stuff, so u don't get bombed by SWB/JAF
  13. MLGMagicHoodini

    Accepted Change ER weapons

    +support Idk why they changed that shit, the guns were good
  14. MLGMagicHoodini

    Denied Remove the mega bases and go back to the standard bases that used to be on highlands.

    Neutral The Mega bases aren't the issue, the problem is mainly NWO Base, NATO Base u can breach Secret Tunnel, N Gate and E Gate, meanwhile in NWO u can't breach E Gate too strong, and N Gate is not possible push, since it's a elevator, so they can just camp up there with a BTR80A or BTR90 or...
  15. MLGMagicHoodini

    Denied Buff AT-4 & Matador ( Or just add the old rocket launchers that were originally in MRP 2020-2021 aka Matador for NATO and Strong RPG for NWO)

    +huge support I've mentioned in the past and showed clips! Of me AT4ing a RADAR 5/6 times, and it didn't die, a Nade is more likely take out structures than AT4, also people that play other games, know that Anti-Tank are a lot of time 1 or 2 shots to kill, cause it's in the name, 1stAL and 17Th...
  16. MLGMagicHoodini

    Accepted Partially Restricted Wars

    +support Would be good, especially if a side doesn't have the numbers to have air or ground support, which now I don't know but back then happened too much, we had no JAF, and SWB had 4+ Pilots, so we couldn't do much
  17. MLGMagicHoodini

    Denied Remove bomb/gun drones

    -support Removing is not the best option, otherwise I'll say Remove Helicopters and Tanks, it's about balancing them, fixing bugs, and making them fairer to fight, right now Bomb Drone main issue is fact it's hard kill even shooting it 10 times doesn't do the job, the Pistol one is even worse...
  18. MLGMagicHoodini

    Accepted Proper Salaries

    Don't hate on me cause I'm beautiful N Maybe if you got rid of that yee- yee ass haircut, you get some bitches on your dick! Also it was really unfair, people had Millions from Events and stuff, and would bid 150k+ making it impossible for casual/normal people to bid
  19. MLGMagicHoodini

    Accepted Remove spawned heli button (staff only)

    -support While idea is good, think about multiple of the same? Like Multiple Blackhawks? Depending how the implementation works, it would either remove the wrong one, or not work properly, also just tell Staff properly where the heli crashed, not hard, if u saw it go in the water, just tell them...
  20. MLGMagicHoodini

    Accepted Sniper Ping

    +support This suggestion But -support on original post