Search results

  1. CoffeeInducedPsychosis

    Denied SCP-1200-# Addition [RESEARCH]

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: The addition of SCPs 1200-12 - 15 - 29 -30 - 58 - 62 with each of their respective wiki (See Fig 1.) traits or similar thereof. Fig 1. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: No Possible Positives of...
  2. CoffeeInducedPsychosis

    Accepted Clipboard Rework and Added Features

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: [Clipboard features added: 1. Fonts (Helvetica, Computer Modern, Times New Roman, etc...) 2. Emphasis (Bold-Face),(Italics),(Underline), etc), 3. Lists (Like this one) 4. Tables (Example below, toggle to be boxed on all sides as well?) (Note...
  3. CoffeeInducedPsychosis

    RnD | SCP-RP | Regarding Research Articles

    Anyone in RnD want to discuss the outlining of papers or meta-analyses respectively? In regards to detailing and cross-referencing citations. Currently as I see it, the outline for papers could use a bit more of a formal rework. At least for more in-depth papers (10~20 pages). Any feedback...