Search results

  1. Boris Magpie | 'Nil'

    [UK] Boris's Site Advisor App

    Activity Your concerns about my current VTime are absolutely valid, I cannot change it and the best thing I can do is try explaining this period. As I've specified before the sudden jump from barely being here to playing for 5/6 hours a day sometimes more is because of personal reasons that were...
  2. Boris Magpie | 'Nil'

    [UK] Boris's Site Advisor App

    In terms of a month my time on the server has been BAD due to unforeseen problems coming up in my personal life and work which made me unable to play the usual amount of time I do. What you can see here is an LOA from 18 to 23 because of those issues, and a ROA before them because of them as...
  3. Boris Magpie | 'Nil'

    [UK] Boris's Site Advisor App

    - Why are you applying for Site Advisor? There are a couple of reasons. 1. I am always looking to improve my skills, trying to be at least a bit better every day at something and I think that becoming a site advisor - while coming with its own set of challenges and especially...
  4. Boris Magpie | 'Nil'

    Accepted Upon purchasing a flask, make it go into your inventory

    +Support, I'm begging this is such a QOL