Search results

  1. jax

    [UK] O5-4 'The Guardian'

    - support even though you are a great OSA the jump to O5 is huge and to go from little to none management experience to one of the most management based roles is a huge jump and with RP even though you do enhance some RP I have not seen you make any RP. i think if you were to have a month or 2...
  2. jax

    [UK] Engallagher K. C. Ludenberg's Site Advisor Application

    +support - good RP creator - great work on DOR - works well with others
  3. jax

    Jax's Game Master Application [UK]

    done feel free to leave any more advice
  4. jax

    Jax's Game Master Application [UK]

    i have made big improvements so feel free to leave an updated response
  5. jax

    Jax's Game Master Application [UK]

    thanks for the advice i have made some very big improvements so feel free to leave an updated responce
  6. jax

    Jax's Game Master Application [UK]

    thanks for the advice i have made some changes which should make it more readable
  7. jax

    Jax's Game Master Application [UK]

  8. jax

    [UK] Jax's overseer assistant application

    thanks for the feedback, but the reason for d-block not being manned was that before the cross training i asked people if they would be attending and 4 people said no and the rest said yes so i did not tell anyone to man it. (i also asked on 3 different days (including the day of the training))...
  9. jax

    [UK] Jax's overseer assistant application

    Thanks for your reply and the opportunity to become OSA. Here is my screen time (The AFK time was me organising cross trainings and external documentation)
  10. jax

    [UK] Jax's overseer assistant application

    alr thanks
  11. jax

    [UK] Jax's overseer assistant application

    ok thanks for your feedback i will take this feedback on and improve on it. also what is your name character name
  12. jax

    [UK] Rosalyn's Captain application

    +support -good just don't get 'bullied' and PT'd
  13. jax

    [UK] Jax's overseer assistant application

    thanks for the feed back also i wish we did get to see eachother more but in the future hopefully we will
  14. jax

    [UK] Jax's pac request 2

    hmm yh i didnt rlly know what to do with it
  15. jax

    [UK] Maksim "Enigma" Antonov - Site Advisor Application

    +Support great experiences, very helpful past Sr Cl4 experience, been in lots of roles great documentation good leadership good ideas - Jax In-Character positions GSD Captain (Holding) | NU- 7 PVT (Held) | E-11 PVT (Held)
  16. jax

    [UK] Jax's overseer assistant application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:606186424 Discord name: mrjax5364 For how long have you played on CG SCP: 448 hours, image of month screen time: (The AFK time was me organising cross trainings and external documentation) (look in attached files to see) Age: 15 In what country are you located?: UK Time...
  17. jax

    [UK] Jax's pac request 2

    Requesting PAC approval for advanced combative GSD PAC Requested (Which job): GSD Captain Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:606186424 Photographs of PACs: lore: advanced combative GSD Captain who is leading the charge into combat and helps train and run GSD to be the best
  18. jax

    PAC Request [UK] Jax's pac request

    Requesting PAC approval for A1 armour and glasses on security captain body PAC Requested (Which job): GSD Captain Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:606186424 Photographs of PACs:
  19. jax

    Jax Moderator Application [UK]

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): - MrJaxOnTwitch How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): - (look in attached files) Age: - 15 In what country are you located?: - UK Time zone: - BST Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if...
  20. jax

    [UK] Jax's GSD captain application

    thanks a lot for the support sorry if anyone thought i was 'clingy' i was just trying to make friends but i will take that feedback and work on it and i did just edit my application