Search results

  1. John 'Helldiver'

    Doses and Mimosas (Sora 'Scriptures')

    Nooooooooo you were one of my favorite Nu-7's o7
  2. John 'Helldiver'

    (USA) Alex "Helldiver" Special Agent Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:885317987 Discord name: ahnoer For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6 Months Age: 14 In what country are you located?: Canada Time zone: PST Character name(s): Alex Helldiver Civilian name: Tyrone Kim What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA Do you...
  3. John 'Helldiver'

    Mark "FullMoon"s Sp. Agent App [USA]

    +Support W ass Nu-7 CO also would fit in DEA really well
  4. John 'Helldiver'

    Easton Makerr's E.C.A. Application

    +Support W ambassador
  5. John 'Helldiver'

    [USA] Strekel 'Sentinel' Kosnykov ECM Application

    +Support Should have used the matadors to kill me 😔
  6. John 'Helldiver'

    [USA] Adam 'Red' Renkov's Site Advisor Application

    +Support Thx for organizing my execution
  7. John 'Helldiver'

    [USA] Samantha 'Obake' Smalls Site Advisor Application

    + Support Made Nu-7 the greatest regiment on this server and also a perfect fit for SA
  8. John 'Helldiver'

    ottoman leaving or smthn

  9. John 'Helldiver'

    [USA] Asmodeus's Ethics Committee Application

    W Singlish person +Support
  10. John 'Helldiver'

    john robins overseer assistant aplication (USA)

    This guy is on a generational application run. It makes me shed a tear +support
  11. John 'Helldiver'

    [USA] Rockin's Overseer Assistant Application

    +Support A very supportive Captain that is very competent in D Block and also very professional in terms of relations and management
  12. John 'Helldiver'

    glorp role again Here's the clip of me buying the role :)
  13. John 'Helldiver'

    [USA] Cool Demetrious Tiggle Special Agent Application

    + Support Have better music taste smh