Search results

  1. Roach Steel

    General security captain application [USA]

    Player information. _____________________ Discord name: .sadking. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:557708149. Age: 18. For how long have you played on CG SCP: for around 7-5 months by now. In what country are you located?: Palestine. Time zone: (EEST) GMT +2. In-game information...
  2. Roach Steel

    [USA] Roach 'Steel' Security Captain application.

    Information Not-in-game related questions. ______________________________________________________ Discord name: .sadking. Age: 18. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:557708149. In what country are you located?: Palestine. Time Zone: GMT+2. Do you have a mic?: Yes Information about applicant (In-game)...
  3. Roach Steel

    Nvm big mistake sent it to the wrong thing hahaha...

    Information Not-in-game related questions. ______________________________________________________ Discord name: .sadking. Age: 18. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:557708149. In what country are you located?: Palestine. Time Zone : GMT+2. Do you have a mic?: Yes Information about applicant (In-game)...