Content Suggestion 008 suggestion/Rework

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Jul 18, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Proposal for SCP-008-Infected Versions of Selected SCP Entities​

Objective: To introduce zombified versions of specific SCP entities affected by SCP-008, enhancing research into SCP-008 and leading to the development of new chemicals. These variants will be stronger and faster but will suffer from gradual health decay over time and have weaker health overall compared to their original forms.


SCP-076 (Able)​

  • Appearance: SCP-076 will become zombified, with its blades appearing cracked or damaged and covered in SCP-008 spores.
  • Abilities: The zombified version will be stronger and faster but will slowly lose health over time and have weaker health overall. The infected blades might spread SCP-008 infection to nearby entities or individuals. Upon contact with SCP-076's blade, there is a high risk of SCP-008 infection.


  • Appearance: SCP-7722 will retain its knight armor, but the armor will be altered, showing signs of damage and SCP-008 infection.
  • Abilities: The damaged armor and blades will make SCP-7722 more dangerous in combat, with a higher chance of spreading SCP-008 infection through direct contact. Upon contact with SCP-7722's blade, there is an increased likelihood of SCP-008 infection. SCP-7722 will have weaker health overall compared to its original form. Additionally, its armor will only regenerate up to 50% of its original strength, making it less durable over time.


  • Appearance: SCP-939 will have visible spore bubbles due to SCP-008 infection.
  • Abilities: When SCP-939 is killed, the spore bubbles will burst, releasing SCP-008 spores into the environment. This can lead to secondary infections among nearby entities and individuals. SCP-939 will have weaker health overall compared to its original form.


  • Appearance: SCP-035 will transform into a more resilient zombified form with clear signs of SCP-008 infection.
  • Abilities: It will have boosted health regeneration and a new slash attack that can spread SCP-008 infection to other entities or individuals. However, SCP-035 will have weaker health overall compared to its original form.


  • Appearance: SCP-049 will remain unaffected by SCP-008, maintaining its original appearance and characteristics.
  • Abilities: SCP-049's abilities and behavior will stay the same.


  • Appearance: SCP-8837 will continue to wear its space suit, showing no significant changes due to SCP-008.
  • Abilities: SCP-8837’s abilities will remain as they are, with no additional effects from SCP-008.


  • Appearance: SCP-682 will become more grotesque and visibly zombified, showing clear signs of SCP-008 infection.
  • Abilities: SCP-682 will have the ability to boost the stats of SCP-008-infected entities within its vicinity. Specifically, SCP-682’s roar will provide a 15% speed boost to infected SCPs for 15 seconds. The roar will be more powerful, last longer, and sound more frightening. SCP-682 will also experience a minor health increase but may gradually revert to its normal form over time. However, SCP-682 will have weaker health overall compared to its original form.

Type Greens​

  • Appearance: These SCPs will show signs of SCP-008 infection, with more visible decay.
  • Abilities: They will keep their main features but gain new SCP-008-related attacks. Their reality-bending abilities might be slightly reduced, but they will have increased health and movement speed. Overall, they will have weaker health compared to their original forms.
    ( But for balancing could remain the same )
Conclusion: Adding SCP-008 to these SCP entities will create new research opportunities and more challenging scenarios for containment and combat. This approach will deepen our understanding of SCP-008 and its effects while also providing new strategies and chemicals for managing these threats.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[Unkonwn Ive looked and havent seen anything]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[This proposal will significantly enhance the role-playing experience by introducing zombified variants of specific SCP entities affected by SCP-008. By integrating these altered SCPs, the role-playing scenarios will gain additional layers of complexity and realism. The introduction of these variants will also provide the community and researchers with new chemical solutions derived from the SCP-008 infection, further enriching the gameplay experience.
Moreover, this development aligns with the high-stakes nature of SCP-008 breaches, which typically involve a Code Black Alpha Warhead event. By incorporating these new variants, breaches will become even more intense and immersive, adding a heightened fear factor and increasing the level of concern associated with SCP-008 breaches, especially when combined with a Code 5 containment breach. This enhancement will deepen the role-play dynamics, making SCP-008-related scenarios more engaging and challenging for all participants. ]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Implementing these zombified variants of SCP entities affected by SCP-008 would significantly impact the containment of SCP-008 breaches, potentially making it considerably more difficult or nearly impossible. The added complexity and increased threat level posed by these variants could lead to challenges in maintaining control over breaches. Additionally, there is a potential for increased lag in the system, although such instances would likely be rare given the infrequent nature of SCP-008 breaches.
The effectiveness of Emergency Response Teams (ERTs) in combating SCP-008 may also be reduced due to the enhanced danger posed by these infected SCPs. To address this, it could be beneficial to implement a system where ERTs receive a temporary boost in capabilities when responding to breaches involving SCP-008 and its infected variants. This adjustment would help maintain balance and ensure that ERTs remain effective in high-stakes containment scenarios involving SCP-008.


Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[SCP-008 has remained relatively straightforward for the past 1-2 years, and it is evident that changes are overdue. The current state of SCP-008 often leads to repetitive and unengaging role-playing scenarios, particularly when cross-testing with other SCPs. By implementing the proposed changes, SCP-008 would gain additional complexity, introducing new challenges and intrigue into its containment.
This enhancement will significantly enrich role-playing experiences, providing new challenges and responsibilities in managing SCP-008. The introduction of zombified variants and altered SCPs affected by SCP-008 will add depth and variety to containment procedures, making interactions with SCP-008 more dynamic and engaging. This change will address the current lack of excitement in SCP-008 scenarios and offer more opportunities for immersive role-play.]

{PS} I wrote everything out then used chat gpt to refine it all still my base idea but i used chat gpt to make it sound smarter cuz im not good at writing plz give feed back on the idea tho! (ignore the chat gpt side of things )