Accepted 073 access to Comms and make it so he can go through people like they can go throught him

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Well-known Member
Jan 21, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This request gives 073 to look at facility not write in them, it makes sense scene as 073 has a keycard and RP as him can get boring so giving him access to comms will give him something to look at whilst rp

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Less boring RP
Makes sense

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
cant think of any

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
im asking for 073 to be able to view comms and maybe write in them it should be accepted because it makes sense
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2022
Then mention the points of it being able to be abused, and not a point that wasn't even made
1. Giving 073 comms is pretty much saying you want him to communicate with breach scp and goi
2. He can info breach para watch if they are inside the facility or 073 somehow get to surface.
3. I wonder what would happen if a mingy person gets on 073 and hears Resh-1 in comms. They can't be killed nor amnestic and 073 can ignore alpha warhead since he is immune to it as well in other words, giving 073 comms will make info breach impossible to contain if a mingy player hops on 073 which is normally 90% of the time.
1. Giving 073 comms is pretty much saying you want him to communicate with breach scp and goi
2. He can info breach para watch if they are inside the facility or 073 somehow get to surface.
3. I wonder what would happen if a mingy person gets on 073 and hears Resh-1 in comms. They can't be killed nor amnestic and 073 can ignore alpha warhead since he is immune to it as well in other words, giving 073 comms will make info breach impossible to contain if a mingy player hops on 073 which is normally 90% of the time.
1. He can't talk in these said Comms, as Mentioned.
2. 073 can already Info breach to Parawatch, he has a CL2 keycard so the Comms would be CL2, and unless some Minge starts spamming Comms with a Infoleak then it makes 0 Difference to 073 Info leaking (Which is already FailRP)
  • Cannot purposefully leak info such as A-1, O-1 etc.
3. I have never seen one Person mention Resh-1 in CL2 comms and below, with a Valid Reason. Talked about Infoleaking above already.
And I can't imagine using a Alpha Warhead to contain 073 after he Info breached (And Alpha Warhead still kills 073)


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Suggestion Partially Approved

Hi @taytoe90234,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. We will make SCP-073 no-collided like the other SCPs, however we will not be giving it access to comms.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as accepted.​
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