2 Week Mass RDM ban

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Active member
Oct 1, 2023
Your in-game name: Barry Steils

Your SteamID:76561199172754638

Your steam community link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199172754638/

Date of ban: sun Oct 11 2023

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): MRDM

Who banned you: Pyro

Ban length?: 2 weeks
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-USA

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/scp-rp-rules.2244/

What will you do to stop this from happening again: So this MRDM wasn't just me randomly killing people I had a RP reason I thought was allowed but was not. I have a hour of recording on the whole situation leading up to it. Essentially me and another parawatch broke into the foundation, managed to get a agent to tell us cl3 infomration, aqurried both a lvl 3 and 4 keycard, pricutres of scps, and were able to escape the foundation and provide to the mayor cl3 and cl4 documents. The cl3 document was 106 and cl4 was 008. Then after the mayor had outed the foundation in open comms, we then went back into the foundation with rangers. We detained a site director and took him outside the foundation in order to have him release the d class as we wanted to free our fellow civilians[D-Class] so did the mayor. Some ranger handed him to ci then switched to ci kind of annoying but it happend. Me and another parawatch along with a few rangers went back into the foundation and were going to free the D class ourselves. We broke in killed a ambassador that was near the door after bathrooms and i went up the staris and walked up to like 5 guys' are started blasting. I killed like 4 or 5 they said and was killed myself. My goal was to elmimate them so that we could gain access to the D-Class cells release them and take them outside. I thought having the mayors arrpoaval as well as having done a massive info breach was enough but apparently parawatch can't kill people without being self defense. I knew that if we tresspassed normally sure i understood that but i thought going in with rangers would have changed that but i was wrong. Some people told me if i was a ranger i would have been fine others say even if i was a ranger i wouldnt have been able to do that idk I'd like clarification via a discord call if possible. Discord is ArcPhaser. Either way i'll never do that again as a parawatch as i genuinely did not know i wasn't allowed to do that considering the RP circumstance.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Yes

Why should you be unbanned: I enjoy rping on this server and will never do this thing again. Again i'd like to speak to a SA+ for clarifcation on a few rules as there are a few other questions i have as well regarding MC&D.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: By going over the rules again and also talking to admins about the rules and reading over previous rulings[I wish a few more of the rules in this server were clarified ]

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
I enjoy the rp and talking with friends.
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Hello @Arcphaser

I had given you a 2 Week ban from the server after reviewing a clip sent in to me by a player who had made a ticket for RDM, It had shown a parawatch killing foundation personnel, furthermore the logs had shown that you killed 5 players as a parawatch, your reasoning to me was that you had been given orders by the mayor to free D-Class & to terminate foundation personnel which isn't allowed as it doesn't fit your jobs description, parawatch are to investigate and report information & only killing people if threatened, seeing as you weren't being threatened & were looking to kill foundation personnel I had no choice but to issue a two week ban for MRDM.

Yours Truly,


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Your moms bed
Appeal Denied

Hi @Arcphaser ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

So while the mayor told you to go into the foundation to kill people and free the d class is it mrdm since you are not allowed to raid as a civilian class. Yes the mcd are their own organization but they stay neutral with all factions to ensure they can sell to them. You may only go into someone's base to gather information and may kill only if your life has been threatened otherwise you not kill as you are a non combative like other jobs. as per rule 4.4. also with rule clarification 2.5 As it is known, CGITV, Rangers, and MC&D are the only jobs that may enter the Foundation. However, none of these jobs are permitted to 'raid', or enter the Foundation to cause destruction and kill Foundation staff. In order to justify these individuals entering the Foundation, they must have articulable knowledge of the site and a realistic reason to want to enter. None of these jobs are permitted to assist other groups with raids or enter the Foundation to kill.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks

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