Rule Suggestion AA-12 Rule Change.

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Jun 3, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Change the rule saying AA-12 cannot be used on humans. The AA-12 should be seen as an energy weapon seeing as just like the mauler, its really hard to get and isn't used very often. The AA-12 being an AA weapon and not allowed to be used on humans makes little to no sense, even the Auger Minigun is able to be got from 914 so even it is able to be used on people by obtaining it from 914. AA-12 is only obtainable via GOC or ERT. Doesn't make much sense why it cant be seen as an energy weapon, its just a shotgun.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I know of.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
The AA-12 doesn't get much use as it is because its spread + knockback just sends SCPs flying back with its knockback, not only that its hard to get seeing as there's only 1 way to get it and that is from GOC AA. Allowing it to be used on people can allow it to be requested by Foundation to buy back GOC men, use it for more AA trainings seeing as the only 2 AA that can be used is stickies and slams which stickies are used by Delta Operatives and Senior Agents. AA-12 being allowed to be used on humans would make it so that there's more variety in the AA weapons able to be used. Before you say, "GOC could just abuse this whenever." Id like to remind you that there is still a 120 sec cooldown before someone can grab an AA-12, its also only used when AA is authorized, not to mention foundation abuses 914 all the time allowing them to get free energy weapons, double barrels, and augers they can use on people. One single gun being reclassified as an energy weapon and not an AA doesn't seem like too much of an ask. Finally, when someone gives up or has collected 2 AA from AA they have 15min/1800 sec before they can grab another AA, that is quite a lot of time so it wouldn't be abused.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
The AA-12 is very powerful but not as powerful as people believe, it is a shotgun and thus excels at close range but doesn't just outright mow down people. Still, its very powerful and could be bad if you're at the receiving end of it. Still, there is only 1 way to obtain one so it will be impossible for anyone to heavily misuse it seeing as the GOC doesn't just authorize AA on a whim. When we do Authorize AA, people only go for either the Nerve Gas or nitroglycerine. Another downside to this would be Foundation/CI could NHU in and take it when we aren't at base.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Based on both this should be added because although the AA-12 is strong its not impossibly strong, not only that there's only one way to obtain one since ERT doesn't drop the AA-12 thus the risk for abuse would be eliminated. It is a shotgun and doesn't seem logical to have it unable to be used against people when the Auger Minigun can be obtained from 914 which can be used against people but the AA-12 cannot be obtained from 914 nor used against people. Having it classified as an Energy weapon same as the KBAR would prevent the Juggernauts from using the AA-12. Thus not making it insanely OP as Juggernauts cannot use energy weapons or snipers.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
The AA-12 doesn't get much use as it is because its spread + knockback just sends SCPs flying back with its knockback
you are going to send humans across the map with the worst knockback imaginable.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
not only that its hard to get seeing as there's only 1 way to get it and that is from GOC AA.
this is not a positive. This is a GOC buff explained like it's a good thing that only they get it.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Allowing it to be used on people can allow it to be requested by Foundation to buy back GOC men,
Or you could just use money, or chemicals. Or you could just do this anyways? They can save these for breaches, which is (shockingly) where most breaches tend to occur at.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
use it for more AA trainings seeing as the only 2 AA that can be used is stickies and slams which stickies are used by Delta Operatives and Senior Agents.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Before you say, "GOC could just abuse this whenever." Id like to remind you that there is still a 120 sec cooldown before someone can grab an AA-12, its also only used when AA is authorized, not to mention foundation abuses 914 all the time allowing them to get free energy weapons, double barrels, and augers they can use on people. One single gun being reclassified as an energy weapon and not an AA doesn't seem like too much of an ask. Finally, when someone gives up or has collected 2 AA from AA they have 15min/1800 sec before they can grab another AA, that is quite a lot of time so it wouldn't be abused.
this is all just cope, but lets go through it bit by bit.
"Id like to remind you that there is still a 120 sec cooldown before someone can grab an AA-12"
There's no fucking way, 120 seconds? This will stop all abuse of this item! Oh the agony of a whole 2 minutes!!
"its also only used when AA is authorized"
ok cool

"not to mention foundation abuses 914 all the time allowing them to get free energy weapons, double... One single gun being reclassified as an energy weapon and not an AA doesn't seem like too much of an ask."
seething goes hardddddd. Anyways yes this is a big ask since the AA-12 is the best shotgun rn. Also. How would it even be an energy weapon, it looks nothing like any other energy weapon. This would just be pure ruleplay.

"Finally, when someone gives up or has collected 2 AA from AA they have 15min/1800 sec before they can grab another AA, that is quite a lot of time so it wouldn't be abused."

Thermonuclear -Support


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2024
Massive -Support
The AA-12 is stupidly overpowered when using it against humans even at mid range it is still very powerful
Last edited:
Dec 25, 2023
AA-12 is much weaker than I expected, esspecially against SCPs, although I think it would be too strong against humans. Hitting all shots in the chest at point blank does exactly 150 damage, not a lot for SCPs (esspecially when you don't want to be up close) but for human situations you can very easily shoot 2 of those close up and instantly kill the person.

Imo the AA-12 should more reasonably get a buff for fighting SCPs, than to be allowed to be used against humans.

This isn't a "- support", but more of a "AA-12 needs to be fixed, but I'm just unsure if this is the right way to do it" support.
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Dec 25, 2023
Can ERT not use the AA-12 against humans? I was under the impression that because they spawn with it they could.

They can, GOC also have the AA-12 in their advanced armory and the GOC version CANNOT be used against humans.

Spawn with it > Can be used against humans.

Got it from Advanced Armory > Cannot be used against humans.

Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023

GOC's loadouts are overall pretty decent for human based combat with the officer weapon being one of the most saught after things.

AA-12 by comparison is rather shit against some humans and it's biggest draw is knockback, it does not need to be used against humans, use any decent assault rifle and you'll complete the same job with less effort.
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GOC's loadouts are overall pretty decent for human based combat with the officer weapon being one of the most saught after things.

AA-12 by comparison is rather shit against some humans and it's biggest draw is knockback, it does not need to be used against humans, use any decent assault rifle and you'll complete the same job with less effort.
+/- Neutral
1-2 shots point blank is (surprisingly) how most shotguns perform the AA-12 just does it slightly faster, wouldn't hurt too much to use it on people since you're gonna get gunned down before you reach lethal distance anyway.
Imo, leave it as it is so it can be buffed to be worth going within biting distance of an anomaly that can 1 shot the average GOC/MTF
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