Accidental ban

Dec 25, 2024
I was accidentally banned earlier this week.
I hadn't tried to join until now, 2 days later. It seems like I still haven't actually been unbanned yet.
I am on the Discord As UncleGlenn now though incase that is important to be on.

I think I have put in an invalid SteamID. I was using which is a shoddy website I realize after looking at it again.
On it says my SteamID is as following.

SteamID: 76561198064614212
Steam2 ID: STEAM_1:0:52174242
Steam3 ID: [U:1:104348484]

I'm sharing all three of the provided IDs because I'm not sure which one the ban appeal application asked for.

Thank you and sorry for messing up on my end!