Ace Maximus's SCP-096 Application

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Ace Maximus

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Jun 29, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:196526873

Discord name: Ace Maximus

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 04D 01H (in game time)


In what country are you located?:USA

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Ace Maximus

Civilian name: Ace Maxximus

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu):

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Nu-7 LCPL
-Containment Response Unit

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes 1 ERP, Was within my first couple hours on the server and someone over heard a conversation with a SCP.

What makes you suitable for SCP-096?: I have played on CN SCPRP enough to understand the importance and responsibilities of having and using the powers and abilities of special roles within the server that are very powerful and can cause mass chaos within the facility. I understand when abused or used incorrectly can effect the RP of others and can break general server rules and should always be used correctly too improve and make the SCP experience for yourself and others more in depth and lore accurate .

What is the usual behavior of SCP-096 when pacified?:
SCP-096 Will wait in his CC sitting down with his hands around his knees facing the roof and his head down waiting for someone to view or glance at his face or picture. If breached and left alone for 60 seconds he may roam.

When breached, where is SCP-096 allowed to go? Can SCP-096 beeline straight to D-Block?:
SCP-096 has no restrictions on where it may go as long as it is going towards the victim that looked or glanced at him or the photo also known as SCP-096-1. When SCP-096 is not in his aggressive state he must sit (crouching) unless breached and left alone for 60 seconds then he may roam but cant force people to look at him. SCP-096 may only beeline straight for d-block if the victim looked at his photo and currently is in d-block.

How is SCP-096 re-contained? Please describe all steps of the process:
MTF and all current responding units need to first get scramblers and locate the nearest bucket spawn to them. They need to then proceed to find the current location of SCP-096 and wait for him to be docile then proceed to put the bucket on SCP-096's head as long as he is sitting down and all in its area have scramblers or cant be in viewing distance of SCP-096. Once the bucket is placed on SCP-096 the current responding units will detain him and bring him back to his CC.
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