Aces Chief Application [UK]

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Ace 63

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Nov 21, 2023

From: Ace Linguini “Spades”​

To: Site Management​

Subject: Chief of Security Job Role​

Steam ID:

Discord name:

Time on SCPRP:
1002 Hours / 41 days of playtime



Time zone:

Character names:
Ace Linguini “Spades”

Civilian name:
Ace La Spades

Server applying for:

Do you have a mic?:

Whitelisted MTF or CI roles held:

  • MTF-Nu-7 PVT (Held)
  • MTF E-11 PVT (Held)
  • CI-Gamma [PLP MRU-SMS MEC R&D ASU] (Holding)
  • GENSEC Sergeant (Held)
  • GENSEC Captain (Held)
  • SCP-096 (Holding)
  • Internal Affairs Agent (Holding)
  • External Affairs Agent (Holding)
  • SCPRP Game Master (Holding)
  • SCP-22415 (Holding)

Ban was appealed by server leadership.

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?

GENSEC is not in a good place currently, and it desperately needs strong leadership. I trust myself to provide that leadership with professionalism. Almost ten months ago, I joined this server on a whim after discovering Garry's Mod. Over time, I’ve become deeply involved with the community and have seen the potential GENSEC once had.

It’s no secret that GENSEC’s reputation and effectiveness have deteriorated, whether due to poor management, lack of interest, or other factors. I’ve watched this beloved department slowly decline. My motivation for applying isn't for the title of Chief itself, but to restore GENSEC to its former glory. If GENSEC improves, no matter who the Chief is, then the goal has been achieved.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?

I have nearly 700 hours in General Security. Over that time, I’ve worked, learned, led, and formed strong bonds with the team. I have more experience than anyone else in GENSEC right now, as I was the longest-serving and only senior Captain for many months. Logically, this makes me a strong candidate for promotion.

But beyond experience, I understand the true issues plaguing GENSEC and the necessary solutions. As a Captain, I contributed to the development of both the strike system and the merits system, which are key elements in improving the department.

While my passion may not be as intense as when I first applied for Captain, I still care deeply for this department. I’ve served for 6-7 months as Captain, and though there was a drop-off in interest over time, taking a step back recently has given me a fresh perspective. GENSEC is doing its core duties, but simply saying "it’s good enough" is not an excuse to avoid change.

When I first applied, I envisioned GENSEC running like a well-oiled machine. While I couldn't achieve this alone, with the support of senior CL4 and a strong partner, I believe this goal can be realized. If I’m selected as Chief, Harold would be an excellent partner to help restore GENSEC to its former glory. I know the ins and outs of the department and how to bring about real improvement.

Responsibilities of a Chief in RP:

  • Establishing and enforcing new rules/protocols
  • Overseeing D-Block
  • Managing documentation
  • Supervising Captains
  • Reviewing and approving Captain applications
  • Hosting trainings
  • Conducting weekly meetings

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:
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>Search “Ace”
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Ace Linguini Personnel File

PS: I wanted to note that I resigned from Captain as the weekly grind I did just wasn't fun after a while and it made almost no real change for the department. Chief will allow me to make change so the grind will matter and count and I know it will matter and count.​
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neutral support
- Not Kees van dr Spek aproved
- Bro has a 50/50 change of fixing smth that is almost impossible to fix (cause past leadership fucked it up)
- Bro is on the grindset
- I wish you the best of luck and that you can fix the broken here is a Kess van dr Spek photo for luck

Internetoplichters aangepakt, met Kees van der Spek | Gemeente Opsterland

Gustavo Sling

Well-known Member
Jul 18, 2023
+/- Neutral support
I haven't touched the server in a while, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have improved since then, but I'm not sure you would be the best applicant for CoS


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
You're active and have experience but you are still pretty mingey and in all honesty outside of your GM requirements I don't see you do any real RP other than the odd surgery on CI. Your activity is mainly on CI these days as well. GENSEC is already a very mingey department, I dont think it needs more of it in a departmental leadership position, and it needs someone who will actually bring RP to the department.
May 20, 2023
United Kingdom
You left CPT, wasnt active and your activity was mainly on CI, and your known for being a minge. I don't want my replacement to be somebody who left CPT as inactive and didnt improve on what you should have done from your previous application, and then you applied for CoS not even as a SGT. My advice: Become a SGT then CPT, show what you can do (such as documents, and actually benefiting to sub-departments), then Sr. CPT, and we'll see what will happen from there.
- Support
Despite my brief absence from the community I always saw you as a minge and I don't see you on any foundation class regularly as of recent.

I wanted to note that I resigned from Captain as the weekly grind I did just wasn't fun after a while and it made almost no real change for the department. Chief will allow me to make change so the grind will matter and count and I know it will matter and count.
Whilst Jr CL4s often focus on day-to-day management, I don't personally believe that you should take that extra step above Captain if you are incapable of handling it's duties without rapid burnout, as Sr. CL4 positions hold higher responsibility
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