Content Suggestion Adding Region Specific discord roles

Content Suggestions will be reviewed by Content Team weekly, please allow time as not everything can be reviewed at once.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion will add a total of 15 Discord roles. The purpose is to create region-specific roles to ping certain groups of people. For example, when I, a GOC Major, want to make an announcement to the USA GOC, I can simply use '@Global-Occult-Coalition-USA' instead of '@USA,' preventing staff from receiving unnecessary and irrelevant pings, which clutter their Discord. The reason for adding only 15 roles is simple: we will modify the existing roles to UK-specific ones and add new USA roles, reducing the total from 30 to 15.
General Security-USA
Department of External Affairs-USA
Department of Internal Affairs-USA
Global Occult Coalition-USA
Chaos Insugrency-USA
Overseer Council-USA
Overseer Council Assistant-USA
Ethics Committee-USA
Ethics Committee Assistant-USA

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Decrease wait times in staff responses(i.e. when we are only pinging our regiments staff wont get notified for a unless "Hey we are doing a wargames flag on" ping and instead can focused on when they are actually needed.
  • more directed pings for events and foundation announcements. (i.e. when doing an event for USA Alpha-1 we are now able to only bother USA Alpha-1 instead of both US and UK; this goes for every regiments as well!)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Very Very small chance it adds a little lag to the discord server but this is highly unlikely

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted because it reduces unnecessary pings by allowing region-specific notifications, improving communication without cluttering discord channels. And It would help ensure that staff receive only relevant pings, players are alerted for events or announcements, minimizing distractions. And the addition of 15 roles is a manageable change with minimal risk to server performance.
@UK and @USA pings already exist for the respective channels.

I hope you can understand why this works already without the need for doubling the roles.
Every staff member above the rank of Admin gets alerted every single time we use those pings for useless endeavors. This would minimize the amount of times staff are pinged for useless things. And give the Gamemaster team more of a customizable way of pinging people for events. Also this wont "Double the roles" Its adding a simply 15 roles not 50.

I hope you can understand why this should get accepted....
Jan 6, 2023
Every staff member above the rank of Admin gets alerted every single time we use those pings for useless endeavors. This would minimize the amount of times staff are pinged for useless things. And give the Gamemaster team more of a customizable way of pinging people for events. Also this wont "Double the roles" Its adding a simply 15 roles not 50.

I hope you can understand why this should get accepted....
staff problems

they can always just mute pings from the channels that get actively pinged in
Every staff member above the rank of Admin gets alerted every single time we use those pings for useless endeavors. This would minimize the amount of times staff are pinged for useless things.
Minority L? Who cares, they can mute the channel if they dont need it.

And give the Gamemaster team more of a customizable way of pinging people for events.
Unnecessary but alr ig

Also this wont "Double the roles" Its adding a simply 15 roles not 50.
Yes is will. It'll double every DPT roles by 2. Thats doubling the roles.

I hope you can understand why this should get accepted....
i dont
Feb 24, 2023

oh no... someone pinged you, now you can do this really cool thing.. here free tutorial below...

1727630446196.png LOCATE PING!!!

1727630462318.png MARK IT AS READ
1727630477461.png NO MORE PING

Look it can get annoying, just DND your discord, clear pings and check your inbox to sift through if you're scared you missed something

thanks this has been linus tech tips.
role bloat is not a good thing
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