Aleks / Axiom ECA App [US]

Oct 21, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:198526524

Discord name: vegalek

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2079 hours in total but I originally started playing around late 2023 If I remember correctly

Age: 14

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: MST

Character name(s): Aleks Lifts [DEA / MISC] 'Skeleton' / 'Axiom' [O-1] Aleks Lifts [CI & GOC]

Civilian name: Aleks Argon

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Holding: O-1 LT & Special Agent Held: Ethics Assistant, E-11 LCPL, Nu-7 LT, Nu-7 PVT, Nu-7 Major, Nu-7 CSG, O-1 SPC, IA Ambassador, DEA Senior Agent x2, CI-A CI-B x3, CI-D x2 UNGOC SPC or X2, UNGOC LCPL X2, UNGOC 1SGT

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No warnings at all. DM me on discord if you want proof

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?: I've spent a lot of time on the server as a whole and have had a clean track record of zero warnings. From my past experience as Ambassador and ECA, I've come to learn a lot about the CoE and legal codex. The last time I was ECA, I learned a lot about making documents, such as formatting and making them fun and easy to read, et cetera. I've held a handful of CL4 positions, which has helped me be better in areas like leadership and managing a department/regiment, disciplinary actions, promotions, and so on. I think I'm the best candidate for these reasons

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?: Approving documents such as samplings, Authorizing things such as KOS past airlock or AA auth if applicable, Representing the Ethics Committee, Doing any orders given to you by the committee such as interviews, Enforcing the FLC CoE and CoC when applicable, Giving out work permits to D-Class

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

"I originally started off in MTF Gamma-6 after I was selected from the US Navy. If you don't know what G-6 is it is basically the Aquatic MTF for context. About Five years pass by and I reached the rank of major We were deployed in Indonesia to attempt to clear out a 496 infestation on the sea floor. I won't say much about what happened but we were preparing inside the submarine with MTF B-7. We were all getting ready when I think a whale infected with 496 charged the hull outside at least I thought it was a whale it felt massive, massive enough to rock the whole ship and cause it to flood most people evacuated the sub including me. When we got on the seafloor It was horrible I saw everyone I knew in G-6 die some slowly others fast It was traumatic even for what I've seen; And I survived and managed to make it to a rescue boat patrolling around the area per the operation to make sure no civilians ships come over. I won't say any more but its on SCIPNET if you want to read it

I was injured and had to take a while to recover I had a lot of time to think as well. I didn't return to G-6 after that operation, And Instead I requested a transfer to Site-65, I heard that this was a good place to go. A fairly big site under a small mountain town named pinewood with 4 MTFs stationed on it. I wanted a change of pace and something completely different so I joined IA and so far My tenure in IA has definitely been better than my experience with Gamma-6; It's a nice change of pace compared to the violence of the ocean. I like to believe I was a good IA agent I wrote a lot of arrest reports, led some investigations things like that. It's a great place to go if you aspire to be apart of ethics one way or another. Mainly because You're a department involved with ethics a lot more and also as you do your job you start to learn a lot more about the CoE I definitely enjoyed being IA it was fun. Well At least in my opinion

I was an IA Agent for about 4 weeks until I applied for the position of Ambassador. I was accepted yet was only Ambassador for two weeks before I saw on SCIPNET that applications for Ethics Assistants were opening up. Considering my experience in IA and G-6, I thought I was ready and applied got accepted;

"I hope you get accepted, I saw the application you'll definitely get it with being an executive. Uh anyways I have to go do some interviews see you later."