What server are you applying for:
Your Username:
Alex Bones
Your SteamID:
Discord Username:
What's your current playtime (type !time in-game):
Over a month
Do you have a mic:
Your characters name:
Alex Bones
List all the names of the characters that you use (Foundation, Civillian, e.t.c.):
I only use Founcation which is Alex Bones
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
[WARN] FailRP x2 - 2022
[WARN] NLR - 2022
[WARN] Minor Glitch abuse - 2022
[WARN] Naming Convention - 2023
[STAFF] Within my time as a Staff member I have received a couple infractions although from what I can recollect nothing more than "Minor infractions".
Seeing as all of them are dating back to 2022 or 2023 I have no idea as to why.
How many hours can you be on everyday:
1 - 4h ish
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
No, however I've been SL and Event Team Lead on this server.
Your Username:
Alex Bones
Your SteamID:
Discord Username:
What's your current playtime (type !time in-game):
Over a month
Do you have a mic:
Your characters name:
Alex Bones
List all the names of the characters that you use (Foundation, Civillian, e.t.c.):
I only use Founcation which is Alex Bones
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Staff app - Alex Bones
"Alex Bones": Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Ducki How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 1w 1d Age: 15 In what country are you located?: Sweden Time zone: GMT+2 Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Alex Bones...

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
[WARN] FailRP x2 - 2022
[WARN] NLR - 2022
[WARN] Minor Glitch abuse - 2022
[WARN] Naming Convention - 2023
[STAFF] Within my time as a Staff member I have received a couple infractions although from what I can recollect nothing more than "Minor infractions".
Seeing as all of them are dating back to 2022 or 2023 I have no idea as to why.
How many hours can you be on everyday:
1 - 4h ish
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
No, however I've been SL and Event Team Lead on this server.
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
Generally speaking I have quite a lot of experience when it comes to event creation and the rules within them. I've held multiple high ranking roles whether that is IC or OOC roles. I’ve held IC roles such as the current which is Director of Internal security. As the director or lead of anything your main objective is to create roleplay for your subordinates, making sure that they always have something to do. The things I mainly focus on when it comes to RP creation is "PoI assignment", "Audits", corruption RP, Field arrests and other types of practical assignments.
I have a keen eye when it comes to the things that are needed and/or wanted, I enjoy creating situations where other players benefit and learn from said event or situation. As I have been in this community for a long time I have seen stuff that is horrendous and stuff that is absolute perfection. As my long standing stay with this community I believe I can recreate said events which is one of the main reasons I want to become Game master.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
Generally speaking everyone has traits that are unique to said person which makes it difficult to say why I would stand out/be special. One of the main factors that could classify as my trait is my ability to coordinate and delegate roles within events and other types of RP creation seeing as I have past experience as the Event Team Lead.
Bringing back the point of experience I was one of the creators of the lost map change event, alongside the other game masters we created the foundation of said event, unfortunately that event didn't go as planned due to several leading GMs resigning as well as my eventual resignation.
In conclusion, I believe with my experience I have a strong belief that I'd make a great impact on the current Game Master Team. Going more in-depth on the skills I possess, I would bring more than enough experience, rule knowledge and coordination within events.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
SCP-1048 (Builder Bear) After an extensive search following its containment breach, the Foundation was unable to locate SCP-1048. However, SCP-1048 wasn’t finished with the site where it was once contained. Utilizing the ventilation system, it managed to infiltrate the facility unnoticed. With its unique ability to create additional bears, SCP-1048 began searching for materials and constructing crude replicas.
How this event would play out: The event will be based on suspicion at the start SCP-1048 will slowly gather material such as metal and spare parts, being the start of the event there will be very few sightings of SCP-1048. Being as I want suspicion as low as possible I will create small interactions that will lower clearance-level members such as RSD. Depending on the suspicion level SCP-1048 will become more and more bold, if the SCP gets bold enough the materials can change to human fingers or other extremities which will in turn get the attention of the site. Closing towards the end SCP-1048 will either get captured or terminated by the foundation however the preferable path is the capture, SCP-1048 will interact with limited containment members and all RSD personnel. The research possible is solely depending on what RSD comes up with; potential test could be giving the SCP materials and watching the creation of SCP-1048 instances.
Chaos Insurgency:
The Insurgency's sensors within Pinewood has picked up a foundation transport convoy inbound, with some wire tapping the insurgency gathered the intelligence to what the foundation was transporting, SCP-127 "The Living Gun" the insurgency may use this to their own benefit however the gun has a tendency to act as it pleases. Being a minor event this SCP will have a slight impact on the things they will do such as a raid, without proper testing the gun will be unreliable. Testing will determine the risks when using said gun, whether you can persuade the living gun to only target foundation personnel or other people of interest.
General idea: The convoy will hold around 3 foundation members with significantly more HP however worse guns. The idea is that CI will find a body of a deceased Nu-7 member which will have a radio, on the radio there will transmit call-outs and other random stuff additionally there will be the transport of SCP-127. A big part of this event will be the research into this, without a good insight of what SCP-127 can do there is no telling if SCP-127 will harm the shooter or the one being shot, generally with enough research they could make the gun semi-reliable with there being a small chance that the user being injured.
The GOC has intercepted intelligence that MC&D is hosting an exclusive underground auction to sell multiple anomalous entities and objects to the highest bidder, it is their job to infiltrate it, eliminate the threats and keep the public from the dangers that are lurking, however without extensive intelligence gathering the GOC doesn't know the potential dangers. With intelligence gathered the GOC will know that they are going to be facing at least 3 hazards, a covered up SCP-096 picture, SCP-1048-A and an instance of SCP-966. GOC will have to prepare for said threats using protective gear and other means.
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Brief Lore:
Within the final seconds of Director Platon Keeth's life the Site director managed to finalize the process of the warhead activation protocol, a few seconds after an eerily quiet moment the alarms started.
#T-5, 4, 3, 2, **Static**#
With the few breaths he had left the Site Director stared in disbelief as he bestowed upon the countless instances of SCP-610 tumbling their way towards him.
With the last measures being initialized a distress signal is sent to all nearby foundation facilities including Site-65.
Explanation: Site-## was a foundation facility specialized in sarkic artifacts and infections, based on this the sarkicists had quite the eye for said facility, the new generation Neo-Sarkic had launched a full out assault on the facility using fleshy abominations to overrun the site. After successfully disabling the omega warhead they could finally begin their testing using the advanced technology the site possessed.
The normal site staff such as GSD and D-Class will RP as if they were there before it all happened, the MTF will be the responding units alongside research staff. Site administration and site command will be holding a more overseeing role, which will have different high ranking event characters to help them throughout. The event will be based on a rescue mission as well as in-depth research on sarkic artifacts. During the event there will be several boss fights all ranging from fleshy monsters to sarkic wizards, it’s recommended to be on your toes. Whilst the foundation is focusing on the bigger picture the chaos insurgency’s task will always be sabotaging the foundations efforts and try to steal the different artifacts the facility had in containment whilst trying to fight off the hordes of zombies. Within the event there will be several puzzles ranging from very difficult and needing a heavy amount of players to easier puzzles, foundation staff such as RSD will be focusing on this part while MTFs and GSD will accompany them.
Roles within the foundation will have different tasks, examples of such tasks will of course as stated above RSD will be focusing on the puzzles throughout the city which will grant them clues ranging from combat superiority to evacuation protocols and locations of boss fights/sarkic artifacts.
MTF Alpha-1 and Omega-1 will be focusing on protecting the leading event character as well as the foundation command, foundation command will also have a more laid back approach to the situation. Foundation command and site administration will have their own command center with the ability to call in air support and potential NPCs (I am unsure how far I can delve within the NPCs).
MTF Nu-7 and Epsilon-11 will be the ones containing, combating and fighting the GOI’s as well as the boss fights.
GOC will as said have a choice of either taking advantage of the situation however it will greatly benefit them if they choose to help the foundation, since that will bring more role play. If the GOC chooses to aid the foundation they will either assist Nu-7 and E-11 or they will aid when it comes to the puzzles.
CI will be the one focused on combat, there are of course places where they can intercept the current puzzle but they will be met with heavy resistance. They task is as stated try to sabotage as much as possible as well as taking advantage of the situation by either stealing the confined SCPs or infiltrating the foundation command center.
With the event characters there will be a lot of them, from a commanding perspective there will be the one acting as the leader of the foundation and will have the position DoTF also known as the director of the task force. There will be a lot of zombies which will be mainly based on NPCs although when it comes to boss fights the thing they will be fighting is going to be an event character. All the different factions will have their own leading figure who is going to be a game master.
Due to the size of the containment breach the foundation has contacted the GOC for additional support, it is up to the coalition to decide where they will stand in the chaos, will they help the foundation or will they take advantage?
There will be different sorts of endings to this event depending on which faction wins. If the foundation wins they will successfully escort and evacuate the contained SCPs within the site as well as the more valuable high clearance Event Characters. As the GOC has a choice of either assisting the foundation or taking advantage of the chaos, one of their endings will line up with the foundations and the other one lining up with the CI win. Furthermore if the chaos insurgency wins the site will be nuked, this can only happen if there is no way for the foundation to recover the stolen SCPs, however at least 4 CL5 members need to agree upon this alongside the Game master leading the event.
The game masters involved will all together find a winner of the event by the amount of valuable RP the factions have created.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
A-1 - Expedition to the foundation of youth (SCP-006). SCP-006 is a very small spring confined and concealed as a chemical factory, access of which needs to be granted from personnel with clearance 5. MTF Alpha-1 “Red Right Hand” is to secure the facility and clear access to the overseer council, without witnesses. (Combat RP and VIP RP)
Run down: The facility is currently occupied with foundation personnel running it, A-1s task is to secure the facility making sure that no harm from the foundation personnel will come to the council members. In the meantime CI has gotten information about A-1 heading towards said facility, A-1 really needs to secure the facility and the council themselves. If A-1 manage to hold off CI they will need to amnesticate the remaining personnel within the facility. This event will be heavily focused on combat seeing as it is CI and A-1 involved.
O-1 - Unbeknownst to Omega-1 the ethics committee has been infiltrated by an unknown anomaly capable of shapeshifting, the shapeshifter isn't a perfect being as he isn’t identical to the actual person however it has immense skill when it comes to hiding its quirks.
Run down: One of the committee members will be kidnapped, the shapeshifter will take the form of the kidnapped ECM, there will be very subtle clues that the “ECM” isn’t who it seems such as having glasses, being left handed instead of right handed (Using pac). This event will also be around suspicion, if O-1 is very suspicious the orders given by the shapeshifter will be less bold with increasing boldness depending on the suspicion level. To make sure O-1 don't just shoot the shapeshifter the shapeshifter and the ECM will be damaged equally, meaning that if the shapeshifter gets stabbed so will the ECM, O-1 will need to break this "curse" and free the real ECM.
Nu-7 - An increase of missiles transported towards Pinewood without just documentation, is this a doing of the chaos insurgency or the GOC? Nu-7 task is to find the transportation and interrogate the personnel involved. (Intelligence gather RP and heavy Combat RP)
Run down: Nu-7 will get alerted by this via a regional DEA director (GM) and will be told of the extensive damage these missiles could cause. Whilst Nu-7 is being informed on the situation CI will have a dupe placed down at GM plane and will be getting a run down on what is going to happen. Information given to CI will consist of them having to assemble the pieces of the missiles and loading them into the truck, the assembly will consist of them following a manual and gathering the right pieces. The next step for CI will be that they need to protect and transport the truck as of which will be large and very slow. Nu-7s task is to intercept this transport and make sure the missiles don't fall into the hands of CI, upon successful interception the drivers of the transport truck (GM) will need to be interrogated, this is to find out where the missiles are being manufactured/stored. This event will be heavily towards Nu-7s hand and if by chance Nu-7 manage to fail at the intersection CI will have some missiles to play around with.
E-11 - After intelligence gathered by external affairs there appears to be imminent danger to Pinewood as a picture of SCP-096 has been located and additional intelligence have confirmed it is in the hands of Marshall, Carter & Dark, ltd sales agents. E-11’s task is to locate such agents and with assistance from DEA terminate such threats. (Negotiation and possible Combat RP)
Run down: This will involve DEA and E-11 with DEA being the starting characters of this event, an alert will roll in that suspicious actions and documents are being handled amongst MC&D which will consist of GMs, DEAs job is to find out where this is being done and what is being traded/handled. When it comes down to E-11s job they will be informed that MC&D has their hands on a picture of SCP-096 which will in turn cause a bit of chaos amongst E-11. If DEA gathered enough information E-11 will have a rough picture as to where this picture is located (In a warehouse). The warehouse will be rather large with multiple rooms as well as a server room, E-11s task is to infiltrate this warehouse using outfits gathered from previous MC&Ds. If E-11 manages to infiltrate the warehouse without being caught they will either need to distract the MC&D operatives within the warehouse or try to take them out. Depending on their path this event will have different outcomes, one will be that they manage to take out the entire warehouse and one will be that an MC&D agent has locked himself in the server room and is threatening them with the picture of 096. Keep in mind this event will change depending on E-11s performance.
CI - As intelligence roll in of MTF Alpha-1 “Red Right Hand” driving several armoured transport vehicles to a seemingly unknown chemical factory the task given by Delta command is the intercept such said transport and/or infiltrate the chemical factory. Unknown to the insurgency, the chemical factory they are headed towards is SCP-006. If successfully infiltrated the insurgency will need to gather information about the pond, however usage of the pond will only be RP. !!This event correlates with the A-1s event!! (Combat heavy RP and Passive RP)
Run down: This is the exact same as the A-1 but if CI manage to take over the site they will need to gather information regarding the pond wheter that is via interrogation or searching for lost document is up to CI. Usage of the pond will be strictly RP-based, no actual usage for power gains.
GOC - After a diplomatic meeting with the foundation the coalition has been informed the chaos insurgency has stolen multiple SCP-008 syringes. The foundation is on their knees scrambling MTF Nu-7 preparing a full scale raid on the insurgency’s base. The GOC has been given a pleading task by the foundation to infiltrate the insurgency’s base and locate such syringes in attempts to avoid a full scale outbreak of the virus. The foundation RSD have been hard at work creating cloaks which makes the person wearing it indistinguishable to the naked eye, however the creation of this is still in the early parts and the product has a 65% of working. (This is sort of a thing that normally happens except ofc the cloaks but I want to make said situation more interesting) (Spec ops RP, combat RP and Diplomatic RP)
Foundation staff - SCP-372 has unknowingly been released within the facility and is harassing foundation staff, whilst not doing physical damage to personnel it continues to agitate and stress the staff members. The continued appearances in the peripheral visions is driving the members insane. Reports are rolling in to Epsilon-11 yet there is no response from them. Unbeknownst to them E-11 are out responding to a massive breach within the neighboring site. As the appearance of SCP-372 is increasing and the subsequent psychological decline within the foundation personnel, it becomes the site-security to deal with such an issue.
This event will be held in two parts, one being SCP-372 for the rest of foundation staff while E-11 are dealing and persuading a reality bending entity. Since I want it to focus on foundation staff I want E-11 to be diverted with something bigger, however if they want to deal with the SCP-372 they can assist in doing so alongside RSD staff. (Medical RP, Research RP, Insanity RP)
Note: Some of the ideas aren't described start to end and that is cause in my opinion if an event is open there is a lot more potential for RP fitting the event. Also thanks for reading the application I will take all feedback into consideration! This was copied from my last application, with quite a lot more detail, the application consists of around 3000 words!