Rule Suggestion Allow 8854 to speak, however with a specific twist.

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Active member
May 13, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It adds an ability for 8854 to speak, however adds a twist with 8854 only being able to have its speech related to skeleton puns or something bone related, allowing a lot more silly and fun things to happen on surface due to both surface scps being unable to speak english, having one of them able to simply say "i've got a bone to pick with you" whilst it ripped you to shreds would be in my opinion quite funny.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't think so, if it has credit to them but I haven't seen any suggestions for this exact thing.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
A lot more fun on surface
> This addition could allow the people on surface like UNGOC and Chaos Insurgency to have some giggles whilst fighting an SCP, allowing it to somewhat remove the tensions of both teams constantly raiding and being serious, alongside this allowing them to be serious on one SCP aka 323 and silly on 8854.

Potential interviewing and learning about SCP-8854 > R&D feels pretty underwhelming when you realize your only potential to do a key factor of gaining information from the SCP or attaining lore is strictly to SCPs already in the foundation as most of them are capable of speech, whilst none of the surface entities are, 323 can only make grunts and groans and 8854 cannot talk at all.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Possible deviation from the lore of 8854 > Allowing 8854 to speak could drift away from the lore and make it inaccurate, but I feel as if this is a minor issue as from what i've heard, the server doesn't follow canon lore anyways. 8854 speaking might also make it so people would need to study up on a surface entity if they're asked lore questions by R&D rather than just going on a killing spree, getting contained then being exploded.

I really don't see anymore negatives besides that, maybe the little bits of not having a skeleton pun for what's being said but I'm not sure this exactly matters much. Besides a little deviation from the lore, its just a silly idea.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It allows Surface Entities in my opinion to be a lot more fun, especially 8854 who we are talking about here, allowing funny interactions with UNGOC and CI that you can talk and joke about amongst the GOC after they've captured you (plus, no one ever actually cares about the talking rule, they just give you TTS so this just adds less effort and more fun).
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