"Alpharius" Bio


Active member
Feb 27, 2023

DeCIRO Catalogue Number:

NN: 22/222/222---
Document Type: Personnel file
Dates Received:


Operation Status:



--- Personnel File

Date of Birth: Jan/21/XXXX in Atlanta Georgia

Name: Douglas Larry

Codename: "Alpharius"

Gender: Male

Status: Active

---Physical Description

Alpharius is a man of an athletic build, he has hazel eyes and brown eyes that he typically keeps in a comb over. His uniform differs from the rest of his cell as he typically wears the uniform he once had from his time with "Omega 7" with changes done to it. The patch is replaced with CI icons, the reasoning he still sports this uniform is unknown. However, it is plausible to believe he enjoys the mockery that the uniform brings. This would be due to Omega 7s' History and the fact that a deserter engages in operations with this attire.

---Psychological State

No one in CI is sane, that much is true. Alpharius is certainly no exception to the rule, during the events of [DATA EXPUNGED] he had been stuck in a temporal anomaly. He finally returned but was not his normal self, with his personality almost being a shadow of what it once was. Before his desertion, Alpharius was diagnosed with sociopathic tendencies and rage issues. One could conclude, that was why he deserted concerning the massive change of personality.


Alpharius, born Douglas Larry was like many of the other Mobile Task Force members. He served in the United States Army and was brought into the foundation that way. Before long, he found himself as a part of the ill-fated Mobile Task Force Omega 7. He carried on the rough life expected of an Omega 7 member, until the events of [DATA EXPUNGED] had occurred. Three squads went into a temporal anomaly, the First squad had lived by some miracle. The second squad, had been aged to the point of where that had just been dust and the third squad had went missing. It was around this time, he was declared K.I.A as was the rest of the squad he had been a part of.

This was not the case, Alpharius found himself in [DATA EXPUNGED] before being spat back out where the group had initially started the mission. Eventually, he was found due to the GPS locator and put in quarantine. Anyone on first glance could tell that he was not his usual self, he had been aggressive towards personnel and seemed to have no regard for other peoples lives. This was confirmed true when he was revealed the fate of his team and the only interpretation of a response he would give was a shrug. Of course, this change in personality had resulted in him doing multiple therapy sessions where he would only say a couple words and his diagnoses came to light.

The million dollar question of why did he desert the Foundation, well it is simple. He was left for dead in a place that was no his home, by pure luck he found his way back. He came to the conclusion that his talents were being wasted and used a containment breach that happened on site to escape the facility. How he came to join CI is a mystery in itself, all records of that had been wiped. Now he finds himself in an Insurgency cell located in Canada where he is able to combat the same organization that he once called home, The SCP foundation.

This is my first attempt at writing something like this since high school so hopefully some of you guys find it interesting!


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Dpw483 Ryan "Cincinnatus"

Well-known Member
Sep 23, 2022
Pac Denied

Hi @Alpharius ,

Your PAC has been denied for the following;

- The model as it does not look like the models used for CI

by Ryan, Canoon, and Pyro

Please note any edits to this thread that modify what has been requested may change this denial.

Kind Regards,
