Applicaction for Executive Researcher [UK]

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Aug 3, 2023
If this application is german please translate it to english. I wrote it in english so I dont think there should be any translation errors, if there are any please contact me as soon as possible.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:619179282
Discord name: dasnexo
For how long have you played on CG SCP: About 2 months
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Germany
Time zone: GMT+2

Character name(s):
Winkler Reiner (Foundation) Thomas Merrick (CI)
Civilian name:
Winkel Reiner
What server are you applying for?:
Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I do
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
IA and DEA
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
No, I haven't

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I think it would fit my interests inside the server and I want to help other researchers if they need help. Since my first interaction with an experiment with an animate SCP I loved being a researcher. I really like the RP that happens around me when I am a researcher. I have not met any rude or negative researchers and I would love to work together with them as an Executive. From what I witnessed the other Executives are really nice, not only to me but to everyone they meet. I want to work with them to get more people to enjoy the research department as I do now.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I play Sr. Researcher 90% of the time that I am online; I have experience in writing documents; General Experience; I love helping other people, especially if the thing that they need help with is a lot of fun; Personally I think that I will be a good Executive Researcher because of my will to help new researchers as much as experienced researchers if they need help with anything. It is important to me that everybody enjoys the Researcher roles rather than being confused by it. As an Executive my main goal would be exactly that, helping other people. I also have a great knowledge about the different SCPs in our foundation and can act like a guide if anybody needs any help.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I only have one excellent-graded document. It is a behaviour study about the pack-hunting predators 939 and 939-2. I intend to make a lot more of these documents in the near future. Many of them being Cross-Tests.

There are many reasons why a document is graded excellent, here are the things that most of them need to have.
- Aim: You need an aim for why you are conducting the test. It is good to go into depth with your aim. Some examples are: Limitations of an SCP; Is it hostile towards humans?; Is there a cure for their anomalous effects?
- Method: Describe how you conduct the test. Go into depth as much as possible. List the needed equipment like biohazard suits. It is important to write down every important step of your test
- Excellent Grammar: It is mandatory for an excellent document to have excellent grammar. Because the documents are sometimes being used by other researchers to copy the format of an excellent document it would be bad to have a lot of grammatical errors.
- Format: If you cant read the document it is basically useless. The importance of a good format and a good readability is very big. If you have a great document but your format is bad it could ruin the entire document.
- Future Uses: It is recommended to gather some future uses from your test. If the blood you tested is healing wounds a future use could be medicine or in the case of 939 it could be amnestics.
- Detail/Depth: As stated before it is necessary for an excellent document to have a lot of detail and depth. If it hasn't gotten any detail then it will never be an excellent document.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
The role of the Executive Researcher in the Research Department comes with many responsibilities and tasks. These tasks include helping other researchers and providing support to the Research Department.
They are also expected to:
- Overseeing and conducting tests that have the Clearance Level 4 so nothing goes wrong
- Supporting Researchers if they have any concerns or questions
- Grading Documents submitted by other Researchers
- Ensuring the Research Department doesn't do illegal activities
- Researching on SCPs and adding new information to the existing knowledge
- Working with Site Administration and Site Command

Lore and Background of Winkler Reiner
It has been only a few months since Reiner got promoted to Executive Researcher, but he already has a big project going.
[Begin Log 30.08.20██-18:24:20]
The door to a room opens, it is the office of the Director of Research.
Good evening Mirai, do you have a moment to talk about the 106 project? I have some ideas that could be useful.
Evening Reiner, if it takes less than 10 minutes it should be fine, otherwise we need to talk later.
It may take a little bit longer, but I am sure it will be worth it.
Fine, what do you have?
We already know he doesn't like light, so we tried a flashbang. Like we expected it was very useful and I have asked our engineers to design something that can release a bright like when you push a button. And of course a version of night vision goggles that are immune to these kind of flashes.
They finished the prototype and want you and me to test it.
This is defenitely going to take more than 10 minutes.
*Mirai sighs*
Ok, lets go to the engineers.

[End log, 30.08.20██-18:27:13]
While the two are heading to their destination they talk about the project.
What exactly did you tell them to build?
I was thinking of a variation of the riot shield. Or an attachment for the deployable shields from Nu-7.
That could indeed be useful, hopefully the engineers have something good.
[Bodycam Footage]
The sound of a keycard scanner can be heard.

Oh the Executive and the Director of Research!
Hello Max, did you bring the prototypes?
Yes, I did. They are in this closet right here.
Can we test them now?
Wait, you want to test them in this room?
Dont worry, I will be the test subject. Just make sure you and Mirai wear the goggles too. Even though there should happen nothing behind the shield it still is just a prototype. Here Mirai take the goggles.
Is this the only thing you have thought of?
There is one other thing, but it may take a while to design.
Ok, proceed with the equipment test then.
Testing in 3...2...1...0!
*A bright light fills the room*
The light was a little bit too bright, if we turn it down it could be perfect.
The goggles did their job though.
Thats good to hear.
If you have the second version ready contact me please.
I will.
If we finish this soon then my mission will be completed soon.
[End of Footage]

-Winkler Reiner

Last edited:
Sep 13, 2022
+ support

+ active on research
+ active in general
+ good rp
+ has made a few good documents
+ very well made application

+/- few excellent graded documents but I am sure you have more then 1-2

- very short application. requires more fleshed out answers. ( I will be removing this as he has fixed the application and it is quite well made. )
Last edited:

Reiner Winkler

Well-known Member
Aug 3, 2023


+ very active researcher
+ always wants to make a rp situation out of everything

its a = support because hes my friend and i dont want to influence the choice in anyway

-Agent Reiner Winkler



The following message is composed via consensus of Research Leadership.

Hello, @Winkler Reiner

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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